
Hang During file->ftp sync

  • CScotty

    CScotty - 2016-08-21

    Been using FullSync happily for years. What a geat tool - thank you.

    I recently went to Win 10. I think it was working OK after that but I'm not certain. Also there was a Java update more recenlty. Now when I try to sync file->ftp it appears to build the changes list correctly but then hangs at random while doing the file transfers.It not totally dead as if I try to close the Sync window I get the " Sync Windows cannot be closed during synchronization" pop up.

    There are no error messages or netwrok activity that I can see,

    I have tried restarting and updating to the latest version 0.10.4.
    Java 8 build 101
    64 bit machine.

    KInda stuck. Any suggestions?


  • Christoph

    Christoph - 2016-08-23

    Hi Nick,
    You could try to disable the Windows Firewall temporarily to see if that makes a difference.
    There may also be useful information in the logfile of FullSync stored in C:\Users\<Username>.config\fullsync\fullsync.log



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