

  • Panther

    Panther - 2002-12-15

    Fiigured I should start in here before claiming it's a bug...

    I found configuration options to ...
       TabSize =  3
        IndentWithTabs = 1
        SpaceTabs = 0

    for C files... ( cause  some like 3 space tabs, and some olike 4 where I work, best to just use tabs literally than to fill with spaces )

    This works (mostly) .. in the kbd/k_c.fte
        key [G-Enter] { LineIndent; LineNew }
    fixes the current line (fills indentation with tabs), and moves to a new line, the new line, however, does not have any 'real' indentation - the end of line is at the beginning of the line, and typing a new character updates the end of line to where the cursor is sitting (indented after say the open { of a function), but is filled with spaces, not tabs... and if I safe the file right then after  aadding a comment (or whatever), then that line is 'badly' indented with spaces.... I tried to do something like...
         key {G-Enter] {LineIndent;LineNew;LineIndent}
    but that had no effect.... I can understannd that space filling is probably preferred - if adding something well beyond the end of the line instead of the tab fillling... but certainly if spaces are filled from the start of the line, then I'dd think that 'IndentWithTabs' should applly...

    Tried to do something cleaver like
        key [G-Enter] { LineIndent; LineNew;  InsertString "."; LineIndent; BackSpace }

    but if you delete the 'first' character on the line, then the end of line still reverts back to the beginning of the line, and the first character type space fills up to it...

    Hmm in fact, anytime all characters which are not white-space-like, the end of line reverts to the start oof the line...I suppose I could add 'LineIndent' to alllll characters typed, all commands, hmm well maybe just like FileSave, Up, Down ...

    But maybe - if space filling from the beginning of the line, FTE could pay attention to IndentWithTabs?  and ignore said flag if space filling beyond the start of the line?

    • Panther

      Panther - 2002-12-15

      Dang - why the heck did I title that with  my own name?  *looks rather embarrased*


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