Anonymous - 2015-08-23


I am new to this forum/site, so bear with me if this topic was already adressed somewhere else...

I am using a relative old version of freewrap for Windows, due to heritage and compatibility reasons v6.32, and I am very pleased using it. Recently, I discovered a difference in behavior with the following tcl/tk command:

wm attributes . -transparentcolor SystemButtonFace

Insert this into a new/fresh wish84.exe console, and you will see the inner toplevel structure being transparent, as it should.

Insert the same command line to a freewrap.exe v6.32 console renamed to wishrun.exe, nothing happens, well not visually. Tried with different toplevel background color settings (toplevel .x -bg <color>), no difference...

I was wondering, is my interpretation of the command incorrect, is this expected behavior, if so, how can we get the same results of transparency in a freewrap v6.32 application?

BTW, the exact same command line works flawlessly in a freewrap v6.64 console, it makes the toplevel transparent.
Please, someone, advise.



Last edit: Anonymous 2015-08-23