
Problem with GLOB

  • thovo

    thovo - 2016-01-22


    I've been using FreeWrap with WIndows for years now, what a great source ! Thanks, Dennis.

    Anyway, with FreeWrap 6.4.1 I encounter a problem that I did not have before. I'm including some old libs like BWidget etc. in my wrapped app, also a path with several pictures that i want to make images of.

    The weird thing: I can't glob that path to get a list of all the included pictures. But if I ask for a "file exists" on one specific picture file, it returns a success. Thus the files a wrapped, but a glob gives me no match.


    Say I have a path


    that has a bunch of icons in it. In the bulding process i do a

    dir /S /B C:\Tcl\FreeWrap\MyCoolApp\icons\* >>MyCoolApp_files.txt
    freerwap -f MyCoolApp_files.txt

    If i now in the app run

    glob -nocomplain /Tcl/FreeWrap/MyCoolApp/icons/*

    I'll get an empty list. If I ask for a specific picture file

    file exists /Tcl/FreeWrap/MyCoolApp/icons/logo.gif

    it gives a "1", so the file is there. What am I doing wrong ?

    Thanks for giving me a hint into the right direction......I'm desperate.


    Last edit: thovo 2016-02-01
  • thovo

    thovo - 2016-02-01

    Ok, Dennis somehow answered my question here:

    Thus let's take this one as beeing answered / solved. Thanks to y'all and to Dennis !


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