chcarver - 2005-05-31

I skimed the posts and I didn't see this listed anywhere, so here is my first post to FreeTTS... and on SourceForge forthat matter.

For my fellow Linux (and maybe other) users.

If you disable the ARts sound daemon under KDE FreeTTS will work and not give the error:
LINE UNAVAILABLE: Format is PCM_SIGNED 16000.0 Hz, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian
Or something simular to t he error above.

I believe the issue (and reply if I'm wrong) is the ARts daemon grabs the /dev/dsp device and prevents FreeTTS from using it.

Though I don't run ETS (Enlightenment sound daemon) this daemon too, could be a problem for fellow FreeTTS users/developers. I believe this daemon too grabs on to /dev/dsp and prevents others from using it.

I haven't found any other way to get around this problem, unless I disable the daemon. If you know of a way, please reply so I and others won't run into this problem.