
Problem with freetts??

  • alek

    alek - 2005-03-01

    hi, i have a problem with freetts, i have a program that able to speak using freetts, but once i click the Play button it speak but i dont understand, there's some error in the NetBeans console here is the error:

    ClusterUnitDatabase: can't find tree for pau_ax
    ClusterUnitDatabase Error: getUnitIndex: can't find unit type pau_ax
    ClusterUnitDatabase Error: getUnitIndex: can't find unit type pau_ax
    ClusterUnitDatabase Error: getUnitIndex: can't find unit type pau_ax
    ClusterUnitDatabase: can't find tree for pau_ax

    ***end of error****

      i don't know what is the cause of this, pls help me.
      i'm using Windows 2000 SP4, NetBeans 4.0 IDE and
      J2SE 1.5.

    • Bert Szoghy

      Bert Szoghy - 2005-03-01


      This is a FreeTTS issue:

      It would be nice to see what you are doing.

      Bert Szoghy

    • Willie Walker

      Willie Walker - 2005-03-01

      I'm going to guess that you are using the CMU time voice (Alan) and you are throwing text at it that is not of the form "the time is now a little after five in the morning."

      If this is the case, please be advised that the CMU time voice is only good for speaking the time.  If you want to synthesize text other than the time, you'll need to use one of the diphone voices (kevin or kevin16), or you can try importing one of the CMU ARCTIC voices using our importing tools (see\).

      Hope this helps,


      • alek

        alek - 2005-03-02

        hi, sorry for the late respond, thanks for the help, but i figure it out. i don't know what is the error means but here is what i do. i change the way NetBeans 4.0 find the freetts.jar and some other files, instead of adding the jar files to NetBeans library when its run the program, i donwload the full source code of feetts and import the folder of  com.sun.speech.* and the javax.speech.*  to build folder. And miraculously its work!!  but if i use jar files it's generates that kind of error,  i want to use the jar files instead of source files beacause it takes a lot of space. any suggestion to this problem?

        • Willie Walker

          Willie Walker - 2005-03-03


          I've played around with using FreeTTS in NetBeans, but I've still not fully understood how NetBeans and jar files mix.  Wish I could help you.


      • Bekithemba

        Bekithemba - 2016-04-05

        Thanks alot Willie. You saved me. Apparenlty if you use the "alan" voice and give any other text that not of the form you specified then the "ClusterUnitDatabase Error: getUnitIndex: can't find unit type pau_ax". I merely switched my voice to "kevin16" and my issue was solved. This could entertain any text I threw to it but the quality speech degraded.

    • alek

      alek - 2005-03-02

      hi Will, your right i import also the CMU time that caused the error. thanks for the big help....
        well i have another question regarding the allocation ,the dealloaction and cancelAll methods, my program is like this i have a JEditorPane were all the html files will be loaded and when i press the PLAY it will read (speak) the html files, and when i press the STOP button the read will stop, it work's ok but when i press again the PLAY i here no sound, i suspect i have some problem with my code.the code in PLAY button will be:

        and the code in STOP button:

        if i use only the synth.cancelAll(); in the STOP button and you press the PLAY button you will hear again the
      previous(or the first html file that loads) html file in the JEditorPane. i want to post a code in here but it's very long and many subclasses, if any one want's to help and see the code i will gladly post it!

      • Willie Walker

        Willie Walker - 2005-03-03


        Once you deallocate the synth, I believe all bets are off (i.e., you should not deallocate and re-allocate a synth).

        Instead, you should be making use of the speak and cancel methods of the synthesizer.  The module in demo/JSAPI/Player might be a good place to look for an example.

        Hope this helps,



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