
#2 Better car control.

Suggs bill

I don't know about anyone else but the car controls in
syndicate always seemed awefully cumbersome and
difficult to use without making mistakes.
Would it be possible to make a custom control method
that is simpler and more intuative to use? Maybe a
small menu asking if you want to leave/enter/shoot at
the car when clicked on, I can't recall just how many
times I blew myself up by accidently shooting at the
car I was trying to get into but it was a lot.
And how about a visible waypoint marker to show where
the car is trying to travel to?

Again I see something like this being way, way off in
the future and completely optional as I'm sure there
are many people wanting a "purer" old school syndicate

I see freesynd as not only being a way to play a
classic game on my linux box but as a potential way to
"fix" various issues the original had. This may not
match up with what you want to happen with this project
but as they say "If you don't ask you'll never know".


  • Tarjei Knapstad

    Tarjei Knapstad - 2006-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    I just spoke to joostp about a similar issue regarding AI
    and the plan is to implement a 1.0 version that is as true
    to the original as possible, and then add in optional
    improvements later if you want an enhanced experience ;)

  • Suggs bill

    Suggs bill - 2006-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    Great idea, can't wait :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I found mobile vehicles ok to control.

    Since the agents were very fast there normally wasnt a need to
    sit in a car. And it was fun to abolish cars. :)

    But yeah you have some point there ... I guess many of the
    features will come only after 1.0 phase :)


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