
Zero point in a model

  • Kalle Rautavuori

    Hello to all of you,

    I'm studying boatbuilding in a school in Finland and would be happy to have some help with migrating to FreeShip.
    We use Maxsurf at our school and i am trying to get familiar with FreeShip, i aquired some drawing from of an old pilot boat from Sweden and would like to try to make a model of those drawing with this program.
    The drawings have the zeropoint at amidships and i wondered if there is a way to configure FreeShip to have the same configuratrion - this would be easier to me when entering the dimensions of the sections (i wouldn't have to draw an extra line in the drawings - just trying to keep them unmessed).
    Any help would be wellcome ;)

    • Flyinglow

      Flyinglow - 2006-09-08

      I may not fully understand what you are starting from but, in Freeship you can select all points and move them in 3 dimensions. Also, Freeship accepts negative XYZ dimensions.

      It sounds like you will be importing surfaces or chines using a text file with the dimensions from the original drawing. If so, simply assign points negative numbers where they are to the stern or below your zeropoint. The net result should be an amidships zeropoint in Freeship.

      If you are importing some other kind of file and the result in Freeship does not retain the amidships zeropoint, select all points after the Freeship model is created and move them appropriately to get the amidships zeropoint you want .

      Hope this helps.


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