
IGES Hell Help

  • Andrey

    Andrey - 2006-01-27


    I am not sure what happed but all of a sudden the buttons started to get like whit ghosting Like File and Edit start ok but then this whit block appears and then this happens to all the pull dons. And the worst part is the IGES stopped working and is doing the same thing the memory usage goes nuts. This happened on 1/24/06 about 9 pm.  I tried to re down load the file with this email as it was the one tat appeared to be working but it did not change the problem. HELP

    Andrey Factor

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I finally was able to pinpoint the error. It happens when you save a file and when the length of the filename (including the full path) exceeds 72 characters. Keeping the length of the filename down, for example by saving it in the root of your disc, should resolve the problem until the next release of FREE!ship

    • Andrey

      Andrey - 2006-01-31

      Ok I made then name real short 3 letters and the IGES worked. However this but I think it is attribute to the IGES format and how program interpret it. CATIA V5 went in great but SolidWorks had a problem converting the file to a solid but did bring it in as a surface I am not sure if I can work with it.  Inventor took the file but as a surface as well. We had this problem in CATIA V4 we resorted to going through PROE which by the way had a glitch with this file as well but did finally open it. I think IGES is not the same thing on all packages. In any case between all the different file exports I fond in Free!Ship the user should be able to do as he like. One will need to know the ins and outs of the software he or she has there is no magic built.  AS long as all the features like the Develop plates and such work as per description then this package is hit and it’s most important FREE so no complaints please consider CATIA V5 is $20K


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