
round hull

  • gianlisi

    gianlisi - 2006-05-05

    Is there a way to force the hull to have a round bottom (instead of a V shaped)? As far as I understood, the centerline is a crease edge by default... is there a way to force it not to be a crease edge, so that the surface consider also the other side of the ship as continuos?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've been trying to figure this out to.  Does anyone know?  You can set the control points so that it looks like a U, but you can't be certain that it actually is.

      • Marven

        Marven - 2006-08-15

        To make this work you have to do the following two things:

        1. Make sure your grid is regular (see manual)
        2. Ensure that the two first controlpoints (the one at the centerline and the next one) have the same Z value. The edge connecting the two points should be perpendicular to the centerplane

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I clash with the same problem and probably this is a concept gap of FREE!ship with respect to the other NURBS modellers.

      1. It is impossible to design circular sections; actually the curvature of the sections at the sheer line results even zero.
      I made a test using a well faired reference net, but with this program I find difficult to obtain a continuous curvature trends, both in longitudinal and transversal directions.
      2. It is also impossible to assign a weight to the control points of the net (this allow very few control points and rows because the sections and the profiles can be modify simply weighting the points).
      In this respect, an interactive table of the coordinates and weights of the control points (Maxsurf style) should be very fair.
      3. It is impossible to produce solids of revolution (Bulbs).

      In any case this is a young program, with space for improvements.
      Kind regards.


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