
#24 Error(s) in Freesaet 1.4 and 1.4b

v1.0 (example)
FS 1.4 (1)

I installed Freeseat 1.4 and it worked OK. It did not send mails as it should have, but I might have set it up incorrectly. However, I changed the bookings from open to locked for the public yesterday, and now I cannot open them again.

In my attempts to resolve this problem, I installed ver 1.4b and it works fine, up to the last step of the booking, when the finish.php page gives me a blank page. When I check the database, the seats show they have been booked.

I require URGENT assistance with either of these two problems, as the site must go live on 8 May 2014.

The URL's are and

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated


  • Maxime Gamboni

    Maxime Gamboni - 2014-05-08

    Hi, this is a bit last minute but we'll see what we can do :)

    A white page indicates a php error, which should be described in the server logs. Can you look for errors in the server logs when you reach that blank finish.php page?

  • Trying

    Trying - 2014-05-08

    Hi Maxime,

    Thank you for your response. I did not see it earlier.

    I have tried to see what errors occur, even using tail -f, but the error
    log for apache2 is empty and tail does not produce anything either.

    I thought I had the other problem sorted out, but this morning the client
    opened the booking, made one test booking and the the bookings closed by
    for some or other reason.

    I am now rather desperate to get this problem sorted out.

    I am running on a virtual server in Germany with Hetzner

    Please try to help. Thank you for your assistance thus far

    Kind regards

    Bosman Olivier


    Last edit: Maxime Gamboni 2014-08-27
  • Maxime Gamboni

    Maxime Gamboni - 2014-05-08
    1. Check at if everything is green after you typed your password.
    2. For the locked shows if for some reason you are unable to unlock them, the quickest way would be to update the 'shows' mysql table manually, setting disabled back to 0. (but maybe they are unavailable because no payment methods are available - you can check that by logging in as admin and checking on the payment page if methods are available)
    3. For the blank page, check your php.ini file, increase log level and maybe temporarily enable display_errors so the error message appears in the browser.
    • Trying

      Trying - 2014-05-08

      Hi Maxime,

      Thank you very much. I wil try this and let you know.




      Last edit: Maxime Gamboni 2014-08-27
      • Trying

        Trying - 2014-05-09

        Hi Maxime,

        I managed to get the 1.4.1beta setup to work. All I needed to do was to
        insert dompdf into the correct directory and then it worked. I looked at
        the other version and these files dot not exist in the relevant directory,
        even though the site works and offers the option to download the tickets as

        With the older version I get the following errors:
        Configuration Notice: Undefined index: shakedelay_post in
        /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 41 Notice: Undefined index:
        paydelay_post in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 41 Notice:
        Undefined index: shakedelay_post in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php
        on line 43


        Notice: Undefined index: closing_post in
        /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 71 Notice: Undefined index:
        disabled_post in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 72 Notice:
        Undefined index: opening_cash in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on
        line 73 Notice: Undefined index: closing_cash in
        /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 75 Notice: Undefined index:
        disabled_cash in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php on line 76 Notice:
        Undefined index: shakedelay_post in /home/bosman/wwwrhk/freeseat/params.php
        on line 88

        I get the impression that the there is a problem with the connection to the
        database, because the changes I make to the system parameter does not seem
        to get written to the database. What is meant by shakedealy_post

        I suspect this is the reason the booking is closed for the public.

        All I have to manage now is to get PHPMail to work properly to sent out the
        emails - I am not sure which server to use or could I use a server
        'outside' of the installation such as which is hosted
        on another server completely?

        I also need to get the log files written to - I did see an error in this
        regard, although it dissappeared when I installed dompdf in the freaseatb

        In the meantime, thank you for your support and willingness to help this
        almost 'newbie' to PHP, I keep on learning through your help and comments.

        Kind regards

        Bosman Olivier


        Last edit: Maxime Gamboni 2014-08-27
        • Trying

          Trying - 2014-05-12

          Good day,

          I have managed to get Freeseat 1.4.1b up and running and people are booking
          seats already at

          I have two issues, however. When running the cron, I receive the message
          "One argument expected (database password)". Although I looked at the
          files, I cannot see the reason for the error, except that cron.php has a
          line "$r = mysql_connect($dbserv, $systemuser, $passwd);" with no reference
          to $syspass or $dbpass. I did try to change the line in cron.php, to
          $dbpass, but the message remains the same.

          The other issue is regarding PDF tickets. With Errors_on I received te
          messgage that DOMPDF was missing. I did download dompdf into the root
          directory and it removed previous errors. DOMPDF is a directory in the
          pdftickets directory under plugins.

          A further problem is that emails are not sent, even though I tested php
          mailer. I have class.phpmailer.php, class.smtp.php and class.pop3.php in
          the root of the site, required.

          Could you please propose some solutions for these problems?


          Bosman Olivier


          Last edit: Maxime Gamboni 2014-08-27
  • Bosman Olivier

    Bosman Olivier - 2014-05-16

    Hi Maxime,
    Could you please have a look at the issues regarding cron, pdf tickets and mailing as discussed here four days ago on 12 May 2014?

  • Bosman Olivier

    Bosman Olivier - 2014-08-26

    Hi Maxime,

    I have done a new installation of Freeseat 1.4b, this time with a secure server. I still have, however a problem with the cron and pdf tickets as described above. Could you please assist before 1 September?

  • Maxime Gamboni

    Maxime Gamboni - 2014-08-27


    About cron, you must pass the freeseat "system password" as parameter to cron.php. That means, at the place where you setup your installation to run cron.php every night, add the freeseat system password between quotes after a space. If you are using standard unix cron you should have a line like this in your crontab (correct the paths of the php program, of the freeseat install, and the freeseat system password as appropriate for you)

    1 2 * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/freeseat/cron.php "secret"

    The message about a missing parameter means the "secret" bit at the end is missing. Note that the freeseat system password is typically different from the admin password, and both are typically different from the user password. If you enabled credit card payment, the system password should be present next to "$systempass" in the config.php file (but you must still pass it to cron.php)

    (Normally the "cron" page in the setup wizard should have told you that).

    About pdf, I need to re-check the code, but from your message it seems you found a solution, right? Copy the dompdf directory into the root directory?

    About emails, is it working now? If not, do you have anything in the server logs? Do you have anything on screen? Have you tried the lost tickets feature? (It's the "remail" plugin) Does that one manage to send emails?



    PS: when replying to these emails please remove the quoted mail because it makes the thread hard to follow in the sourceforge web interface, thanks


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