
#2599 Hyperlink supports text → node


I've noticed that if the hyperlink is added to specific text, then it will only support websites or local files. I‘m thinking the possibility of adding a link of node to specific texts within a node.

This can be very helpful when it comes to class teaching, because I sometimes need to create explanation nodes for an entire paragraph. If I can click on a word or a phrase within the paragraph to open a link to a node, that would be a fantastic experience.

Thanks for consideration.


  • euu

    euu - 2021-10-11

    Just to be clear, which kind of link do you want:

    • "Word inside node A" -> "node B"
    • "node A" -> "Word inside node B"

    The first is possible. From the documentation

    To define an underlined hyperlink (HTML-link), first open the text dialog for Node core, Node details or Note. Then type and select the piece of text to which the link applies. And finally select in the Edit menu of the dialog window Add hyperlink (choose)... or Add or modify hyperlink (type). In the latter case you can type the address of the hyperlink or you can paste a copied address by pressing Ctr + V.
    To change the text of the hyperlink, simply retype it. This will not alter the hyperlink address.
    To change the address of the hyperlink, select the whole underlined text and then choose again Add hyperlink (choose)... or Add or modify hyperlink (type).
    There can be multiple underlined hyperlinks in one Node core, Node details or Note field.
    If the text is unformatted, or is formatted with the properties panel, the links are blue. If the text is formatted with the menu's of the edit-dialog, it has the color and size set in this dialog.
    Ta add an internal hyperlink to another node, put #NodeId as address. To get the NodeID, right-click the node and select Copy NodeId. Then paste the NodeId with Ctrl + V in the link address which opens when you selct Add or modify hyperlink (type). Don't forget to put # before the nodeId.
    To link to a node in a different mind map, see Link from outside to a particular node.
    To link to a node in the same mindmap, the address should contain #NodeID. NodeID is got by rightclicking and selecting Copy node ID. It can be pasted with Ctrl + V in the fiield for the link address.
    To remove the address and the text of an underlined hyperlink, delete all underlined text of the hyperlink. To delete only the address, leaving the text:
    put the cursor inside the underlined text (do not select the text)
    Choose Edit > Add or modify hyperlink (type)..
    Delete the address in the dialog that opens.

    The second, I don't know. As far as I know, the minimum linkable element in FreePlane is the node. I think I know only one or two note taking apps that have the word as the minimum linkable element.

    • Lockery.J

      Lockery.J - 2021-10-12

      A million thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for! Problem solved with Copying the NodeID! Perfect!

      Thanks again!