
#2342 presentation tab . multiple presentations in a "script"

Ken Hill

It would be handy if presentations could be grouped together into a "script" -- an ordered set of presentations comprising a composite presentation.

If a presentation is large, it sometimes can become difficult and unruly - the Sandro Mancuso presentation for example (

Example: The Sandro Mancuso map has the following level 1 branches:
looking for answers
organization models
teal at condurance
what is next for software craftsmanship
* further info

Making a presentation for this large map would involve lots of slides in one presentation. If, however, each branch could have its own map, each presentation would be much more manageable.

Then all the individual maps could be put into a "script", which would run the individual presentations one by one.

This is similar to Serif PagePlus (page layout program), which lets you create multi-page documents then put them together into a "book". The individual documents become chapters in the book.

It allows for modularity since each document could be used in more than one book.

This would make the presentation tab more manageable and less overwhelming. If a presentation begins to have too many slides, it can seem like herding a bunch of spiders.



  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-11

    Maybe it would work to put a checkbox somewhere (perhaps next to the "new presentation" button or down by the "present" button -- labeled "consecutive play" (or somesuch).

    Then it would be a matter of putting the presentations in the right order and let them play, one after the other.

    Of course, that's just the cosmetic part (ie easy part). Hopefull the stuff under the hood would not be too difficult.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    • status: new --> fixed
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Preview 1.6.1_09

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Presentation option "Combine all presentations" lets "next slide" and "previous slide" iterate through all presentations