
#2336 Show number of folded descendents inside folding symbol

Denis Krupp

One of the nicest recent features of Mindmanager Sofware is called "subtopic counter", i.e. when topics are collapsed, the expand icon (previously a "+" symbol) converts to a number icon, indicating the number of unseen subtopics in the collapsed branch. I've uploaded an image with an example. I'd like to see this feature on Freeplane. So that the numbers of all folded descendents of a given node is shown inside its folding symbol. That would be very useful because we would have an idea about the extension of that part of the map that is folded and we are unsure about how large it is. I'm aware that we can change the size of the folding symbol, and if it is too small the number can't fit inside it. Maybe we should stipulate a minimum size in order to show that number.

1 Attachments


  • Denis Kushnirenko

    May be it could be displayed in status line to avoid bloating map view and unnecessary menu item(for the case someone don't need this function)?

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-02

    This might to OK sometimes, but I wouldn't want it on constantly. If this is implemented, it should come with an option to turn it off. Or Denis' idea about the status line would be as useful but less obtrusive.

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2017-02-11

    Please, but make it as an option. And very important: Hope the default size and format of the number would not be a cause of distraction as is currently the case of some icons like, for example, the note icon, the one that signalizes the existence of a note.

    • Volker Börchers

      Instead of using numbers the number of subnodes could perhaps better be visualized by the size or the color of the dot.

  • Denis Kushnirenko

    Volker Börchers, your suggestion makes using this feature less usable in some cases: in case of using nodes as simple spreadsheet SUM function: let's say I've listed students in my classes with the phone numbers etc. (one student per node). So I always know how many is in each class do I have students even when I've deleted the one who has blown out.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2017-02-11

      Excellent use case. Thanks. Worth a +1.

      Still hope it is optional if implemented.

    • Volker Börchers

      For this special use case please follow Dimitry's advice. You could also change the node's text like this: ="class X (${children.size()} students)"

  • Denis Kushnirenko

    I propose implement this feature as node's attribute in-line with preset of SUM function(or in-line detail function when "count" or "SUM" or "+" activation symbol is inserted). It's meets requirement of to be optional and without adding additional menu item(+ non bloated software).

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      I suggest that you use a formula as attribute value - a feature freeplane has since many years.
