
#2060 allow for rearranging of tab positions

Lance Brown

It would be a very big help if the tabs could be re-ordered via dragging (like the tabs in Chrome). In my ideal usage of Freeplane, I'd have a couple dozen or more maps open at once, but as it stands now, that creates an unnavigable parking lot of tabs, stuck in (I presume) whatever order they are opened. If I could drag tabs around so they are in logical groups or thematic rows, or drag the ones I'm working on right now to the top, or do other sorts of arranging, it would save me literally 10-15 seconds every time I want to switch to a new map, because that's how long it usually takes for me to scan through the random pile of tabs when I have a lot open. (Though in reality, that doesn't happen lately, because I just don't open that many tabs now, and I curb my use of (and delay my full adoption of) Freeplane as a result.)

Thanks in advance - this would make a mammoth difference for me!


  • Omega Weapon

    Omega Weapon - 2016-08-02

    Random user passing through here - in the 3 years since you posted this, Freeplane's tabs are now draggable (I use this to alphabetically sort my maps).

  • Volker Börchers

    • status: assigned --> fixed
    • Group: --> Postponed
    • Reproducibility: notapplicable --> Always
    • version: --> 1.3.15
  • Volker Börchers

    Thank you random user for the reminder. It actually works, so let's close this one.