
Dev on vacation looking for feature

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  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2016-06-26

    Dear Freeplane users,

    I am on vacation the next two weeks. In this time, I would like
    to work on a freeplane feature/bug.

    Here are some things Dimitry and I thought about:

    1. Support for SVG icons. We want to add support, and then
      replace PNG icons by SVG ones one by one (or batch by batch).

    2. Make node editor non-modal and allow multiple instances.

    3. Make more views undockable (i.e. properties panel, icon list, maybe note
      editor ...). This could be a follow-up to #2 (making node editor a real undockable component)

    4. another idea?

    What do you think?

    (I cannot guarantee that I will code the feature that most users want, as a
    fairy might appear to me, and tell me to do feature X ;-))

    Cheers and Best Regards,

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Some points to the above suggestions:

    Support for SVG icons are IMHO the best way to support high density monitors (retina etc) so that all icons look big enough on all kinds of monitors. It would allow us to add better scaling icons and also to allow to change size of icons like now you can change font sizes.

    Non modal editors are requred if you want to open multiple editors with notes, details or node content from different notes at the same time.

    I am going to work on synchronizing different map views and configurable lines around nodes myself, so these ideas are already on the road map.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I asked Felix to give the community the chance to tell and agree on the most wanted feature.
    He has already communicated our suggestions, and we would like to get your feedback and suggestions so that Felix can work on one of the most needed features.

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2016-06-26

    Thanks Dimitry.

    1. One comment on svg icons now that you seem to be seriously embarking on implementing it as an enhancement: It would be good to provide for two sets, one normal colorized set, and the other black and white since this last one is currently the trend. But consider not implementing it necessarily in a rush since that involves a lot of work I think.

    2. Non-modal editor is something I have always wanted as a feature to be accomplished.

    3. The same for number 3. This will increase FP flexibility and would be in-line with the provision for multimonitor support.

    4. Synchronization accommodates brilliantly on this point :) Not sure if considering part of or the whole of what is beeing propossed here

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-06-26

    The ones in the opening post are good.

    One thing I'd like to see is a map output of keyboard shortcuts, something I can search and filter. I find the table hard to use. In the history.txt it indicates some work had been done on this at one time:

    1.2.1 alpha
    Keyboard shortcut documentation: Map and HTML table generation added for the documentation map

    I'd like to see it in the format:
    level 1 = function group (eg, File, Edit, etc)
    level 2 = FP function (eg, New map)
    level 3 = shortcut (eg, Ctrl+N)

    Thanks for consideration.

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-06-27

    One of the things I'd like to see is a special note that captures everything you add to any other notes of a map.

    This will provide something like a linear view for the things you added. Just like when you add contents to a Microsoft Word document.

    Freeplane is an app that displays information in a highly structural manner, so a linear view like this will be a perfect addition.

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-06-27

    +1 for SVG icons. The more I think about this the better I like it.

    Scalable icons would greatly improve presentations showing zoomed-in nodes.

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2016-06-27

    More about point 1 on svg icons: I envision a greater adaptability. This would be in line with the many screen sizes and resolutions being used today, and the changes being brought to us by Windows 10 and possibly Ubuntu. Others will follow.

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2016-06-27

    I would also like a kind of scrap pad to be added. Something that helps throw in flying ideas of concepts that don't fit in our immediate working elements but that might me useful for our map later on. Of course some might think that there are already tools that can take care of that, but reaching out our hands for other tools in the moment that we need it just to secure those simple, ephemeral, vanishing thoughts, that come to us occasionally is at times unthinkable and way too awkward.

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2016-06-27

      I would Like a SimplyHTML where yo can use keyboard shortcuts, specially
      keyboard shortcuts for the formating of thext with colours, italics, bold,
      underline, all those things.
      Editing of text in SimplyHTML depends largely on the mouse, while on the
      other hand, Freeplane is really great at doing everything else with the

      2016-06-27 17:47 GMT+02:00 Leo Ram

      I would also like a kind of scrap pad to be added. Something that helps
      throw in flying ideas of concepts that don't fit in our immediate working
      elements but that might me useful for our map later on. Of course some
      might think that there are already tools that can take care of that, but
      reaching out our hands for other tools in the moment that we need it just
      to secure those simple, ephemeral, vanishing thoughts, that come to us
      occasionally is at times unthinkable and way too awkward.

      Dev on vacation looking for feature

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      • zipizap

        zipizap - 2016-06-27

        A bit out of topic, but I miss it everyday, sooo....

        +1 for Miguel's adding shortcuts to SimplyHTML: (re)apply foreground color,
        (re)apply background color, strikethrough, modify a hyper link, etc

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-06-28

    @ Leo Ram

    I would also like a kind of scrap pad to be added. Something that helps throw in flying ideas of concepts that don't fit in our immediate working elements but that might me useful for our map later on.

    In Keynote NF, opensource 2-pane outliner, that is accessed on the equivalent of FP Properties Panel. In FP, it would require an additional tab besides Format & Calendar/attributes. It works pretty well there. (I tried to attach image - hope it worked.)


    Last edit: Ken Hill 2016-06-28
    • Leo Ram

      Leo Ram - 2016-06-29

      Thanks for bringing Keynote NF once again to my attention Ken. I may consider downloading it and evaluate its capabilities. I have seen this feature in a couple of programs before. It would be pretty helpful especially for applications like Freeplane designed to simplify the administration of knowledge. From this fact derives the need to have an at-hand local repository of flying thoughts that would be always there when I open FP. This way I wouldn't have to open another program for this (being the case that we sometimes forget what program we used for that). Another benefit is that most of the times our ideas would be specific to the map we are working on.

      In the meantime while we wait for this feature to be integrated in FP, options like Keynote NF would come in handy.

      • Miguel Boyer

        Miguel Boyer - 2016-06-29

        But, Leo, why don't you just create a first level node with the text
        "flying ideas", and then add those random thoughts sequentially without any
        structure below them? That's exactly how I do it.

        Flying Thoughts is nothing but a knowledge category. Thus, it is ideal to
        be stored in Freeplane. You don't kneed external programs to keep your
        textual information. That's the goal itself of Freeplane softwate. I find
        that using other software to do what you are saying, together with
        Freeplane, is highly contradictory.

        If I'm missing something crucial, please excuse my obvious rudeness.

        • Ken Hill

          Ken Hill - 2016-06-30

          I wasn't suggesting using Keynote NF to accomplish what Leo wants. I only used it as an example of how Keynote implements this functionality. Sorry for the confusion.

          In Keynote NF notes are available regardless of what tab (note) you are in. If FP were to implement this functionality, in a similar way, notes also would be available in whatever map you were in. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it is not.

          • Miguel Boyer

            Miguel Boyer - 2016-06-30

            Ken, that's a relevant detail. Thanks for pointing out. But availability
            between different maps isn't at the distance of a single keystroke? I mean

            • Ken Hill

              Ken Hill - 2016-06-30

              One way I use Keynote NF to save time is as a clipboard manager. I'll turn on clipboard capture in Keynote NF. Then while in FP and want to record a quick note I start a new node anywhere, write my note, then cut it to the clipboard (ctrl-x). My FP working map remains clean and I can keep going with very little interruption. Whenever I want, I can swap over to Keynote NF, select the clipped text, swap back to FP, navigate to a snippet/(flying ideas) map, and paste from clipboard - each captured clip becomes a map node. From Keynote NF, I can scoop up many text snippets at once. If I want my snippets in a particular map I create a child node, while creating my quick note, with the map name in it as a reference point.

              I use this strategy a lot for copying Bible passages from freebie theWord Bible study software (great program - I highly recommend it). Every time I copy a passage it immediately gets pasted into Keynote NF. Repeat until all passages are copied. Saves lots of time vs pasting each passage into FP immediately after I copy it. I can copy a dozen passages and quickly paste them all back into FP in one copy/paste. I don't loose my place in either FP or theWord. In theWord I have copy set up so that when I paste into FP the reference is a node with the scripture text as its child. (Since I regularly use 3 Bible study programs, I keep my notes in FP rather than in any particular Bible program even though they each have notetaking functionality.)

              I don't want to hijack this thread with Keynote NF stuff - but it seems the vacation priorities have already been set. I find FP and Keynote NF to be complementary in many ways and use them both daily. Until FP gets clipboard capture functionality, for example, I am glad KN can step in to help in my notetaking tasks.

        • Leo Ram

          Leo Ram - 2016-07-03


          There is an easy answer to your proposal: You are now on a node throwing things in there, then suddenly comes a thought. You don't want to jump to other places on the map to write something there and then come back since there are times that by doing so might disturb your concentration. It is a practical thing. I don't expect to be asked why. Just a practical thing. Then you find a reachable repository on the right or left pane just for that. You will use it. I can guarantee that. I am not talking about flying ideas that deserve a place on the map, let alone, those deserving to be categorized. That's the purpose of a handy scratch pad.

          Leo Ram

          • Miguel Boyer

            Miguel Boyer - 2016-07-03

            Dear Leo,

            you could writte a trivial script. Press a keyboard shortcut and you go to
            the node that works as a repository. Press it again, and you go back to the
            original node where you were working when the idea popped into your brain.
            I have something like that myself.

            • Edo Frohlich

              Edo Frohlich - 2016-07-04

              I had this idea for Leo's request:
              You can also create a new map view centered in the node that works as
              repository and jump between views using the "Previus Map" and "Next Map"
              shortcuts (shft+ctrl+Tab and ctrl+Tab)

              but the shortcuts doesn't work to jump between views of the same map!!

              Maybe is easier to create a command to jump to the last view used, no
              importance if they are from the same map or not. Like the "Alt+Tab"
              combination in windows, every time you use it, the "last used view"
              changes. so you go there and back using the same shortcut.
              Another way is to create a command to jump between views of the same map.

              Both ideas requieres programming, but maybe they are easier than
              implementing a scrap pad.

              On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Miguel Boyer wrote:

              Dear Leo,

              you could writte a trivial script. Press a keyboard shortcut and you go to
              the node that works as a repository. Press it again, and you go back to the
              original node where you were working when the idea popped into your brain.
              I have something like that myself.

              Dev on vacation looking for feature

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              • Miguel Boyer

                Miguel Boyer - 2016-07-04

                I agree with you. With a map view you could do that very easily: Jump to
                the repository and back effortlessly.

            • Leo Ram

              Leo Ram - 2016-07-04

              Miguel, thanks, but you don't seem to have read my post above in an uninterrupted manner (you were possibly too busy). I mentioned "to jump to other places" as exactly the step I would like to avoid when I don't want to momentarily loose the focus from my node, look: "under certain circumstances". This is a practical case and impacts differently from individual to individual. Exactly based on that well established fact are the on/off, opt in/opt out options and all other sorts of provisions to change personalization that are incorporated in software applications. Also, writing scripts is out of the reach of many non "techie" users, possibly 95% of all them. So based on all the above stated, a scrap pad is for me still much better,


              Last edit: Leo Ram 2016-07-04
              • Miguel Boyer

                Miguel Boyer - 2016-07-04

                Ok, sorry if I misread you.

                I just got the impression that feature was easy to replace within the
                present functionality of freeplane.

                I am sorry I couldn't give you a good advice. Sometimes extra effort from
                the devs doesn't look so unavoidable. Some other times, the community as a
                whole sees no other option than to ask and try to weight over their
                precious time.

                Please, take care, and sorry again for my beeing so annoying.

                • Leo Ram

                  Leo Ram - 2016-07-05

                  Miguel, please continue to give me advice. I clearly understood your willingess to help, in fact, I may use your workaround while I continue to wait for the feature to be incorporated in FP. No attempt to overcharge devs, just throwing ideas.

                  Keep in touch.

                  Leo Ram

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