
Automatic "breaking" node text to next line, but plenty of room to fit more words. Why?

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-04-19


    I would appreciate help.

    As showed in this snapshot, why is Freplane v1.6.19 "breaking" node text to next line since there is plenty of room to fit more words in same line?

    The text in edit node dialog is a single sentence (no line breaks) and I also pasted same text as plain text in new node but the issue is always happening.

    Is there any format tweak that would allow better fitting of the words in node text?


  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-04-19

    I've noticed this several times. Or something like it.

    My workaround is to press f2 and then immediately press "enter". It just seems to need to be touched to reset it. I have not gotten around to logging it as a bug because I've been sick for a while.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    As always please submit a bug report, attach your map and describe what I can do to see the problem if it more than just opening the map

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-04-19

    As always please submit a bug report,

    It happens intermittently for me and I haven't been able to reproduce it. I think it has something to do with resizing the node width. But if so, there is something else involved too, which I haven't figured out. I've wondered if it is a redraw issue after widening the node.

    I'll try to reproduce and file a bug report.

    Of course, my issue may be different from the one that sparked this thread.

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-04-20

    I think it has something to do with resizing the node width. But if so, there is something else involved too, which I haven't figured out. I've wondered if it is a redraw issue after widening the node.

    I think the same as causing the problem.

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-04-20

    Hi Dimitry,

    I just created a bug report:

    I've attached a map to illustrate the problem and in the following link there is a screen-recording about that:

    If you need more information, please let me know.

    Thanks for help!


    Last edit: Cadux 2017-04-20
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    You node lines are not splitted as you expect it because no line breaks can be inserted at places with more than 1 space character. Unfortunately I can not easily change it. But if you know about it you can remove additional spaces.

  • jpc

    jpc - 2018-11-07

    I have a similar problem. I don't have unwanted line breaks "on screen", but when I export to pdf, print or view the print example, Freeplane is "breaking" the text in some nodes to a next line. Even when there is enough space to put all the text in one line. It's very odd, since some other nodes have a (much) longer text, but don't "break". Or when I have several lines in one node, some break (mostly the longest one), others not.
    Making the node wider, does not help. Neither the workaround with F2. Setting another character height can help (I'm mostly using SansSerif 10. Setting it to 11 did fix the problem for one mindmap), but this isn't a proper solution.
    This is very anoying, since I need to distribute my mindmaps to others (who don't use the program).
    I'm using Freeplane 1.6.15 (Dutch language) on Kubuntu 18.04.
    Can anyone help me?

  • jpc

    jpc - 2018-11-07

    Sorry, forgot to attach an example of my mindmap.
    On screen, everything seems to be OK, but In "print example" (or "export to pdf" or just "print"), following lines are broken:
    In the child note of "der Monat": the line "der September - im September"
    In the child note of "das Jahr": the line "der Sommer - im Sommer"
    * In the child note of "die Woche": the line "das Wochenende - am Wochende"

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I shall try to fix it after 1.7.x is released.
    For now you can try a work around: edit nodes in your map with zoom not equal 100%

  • jpc

    jpc - 2018-11-09

    Thanks !!
    I don't understand how the workaround (zoom not equal 100%) can do the job, but it works :-))
    I'm looking forward to the definitive solution. ;-)