
Some Remarks on New Version 1.5.1

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  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Bug fix version 1.5.1_05 available

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2015-11-25

    Hi Dimitry, the filter issue has been thoroughly solved. Thanks

    I have just 2 other points:
    First is a detail compared with the filter issue, still there is the problem that when you are in attribute hide mode, and you selected the node, the visualization of the attirbutes is black on black and you cannot read anything (see my previous attachment)
    Second if possible I refer to Quinbus note: how to format attributes style? at list size and colour or more?

    In any case I'm using at now your new version 1.5.1 05.

    Kind regards

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Sfpc, what can I do to see the bug?

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    got it

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