
Revising Freeplane documentation: your next steps

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hello folks,

    Big tasks usually can be split in very small steps which can be selected so that each finished step is useful on its own. Projects done in this agile way are more likely to succeed because small single step has positive impact and delivers immediate value. It is also easier to find motivation to perform a rather small step than rather big one. And my personal work on Freeplane and on the most other projects I do at work and beside consists of such small steps usually finished within an hour or two.

    In this sense I would like to ask people working on the documentation update about their next steps and how small they are.



    Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2016-09-01
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-09-01

    Currently I am working on the 3-pane beginner tutorial I mentioned in another thread (tutorial map + practice map + answer key map). But I decided leading beginners to the 3-pane layout, to get started with the tutorial, would be harder and potentially more confusing than it was worth.

    So now I'm thinking about just presenting the user with the tutorial map. The first step of the tutorial would be for the user to create a new map and then drag the new map as a split - so the tutorial would be on the left and the practice map on the right.

    The "answer key" could be a series of images in the tutorial map. Something like "After completion of this step, your map should look something like this." It means I've got to rework some work I had done.

    But life intervened and I have not been able to do much for a few days. I'm hoping to get back on track next week.

    I think this aspect could be collaborated in anyone was interested in working with me on it.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-10-04

    Maybe this is a tangent...

    I ran across a recent youtube series on Freemind that might serve as a pattern for one type of video training - Freemind Exposed

    It is a series of short videos (generally less than 3 minutes) that each deal with a very narrow FM feature/function. They are functional rather than use-case.

    This is the kind of videos I would like to see us being able to offer and reference in our documentation.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hey folks,

    I created a mind map with a short description of freeplane and I would like to share it with you. You can use it as you like. And I would be thankful for any feedback.

    • Robertonisola

      Robertonisola - 2016-10-13

      Hi Dimitry,

      The map is beautiful. It's clear and concise. I have learned some useful things from your map.

      Thank you.

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-10-10

    I like your map. Below is a map with my suggestions.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Ken, Thank you for your feedback.
      I created the map for the case I want to talk about freeplane myself.

      Do you have an idea where else we could use it?

  • Jonas

    Jonas - 2016-10-10

    I was supposed to be delivering *Many things for Freeplane Community.

    Sorry for the Delay Guys, University, Regular Job and Part time job are killing me, but at least now I have better tools.

    I Hope be able to delivery at least something soon.

    Everything in my life is attached with freeplane, there is nothing that a can do Without this tool, so, it would be great if I could give someting back to this amazing project.

    Those as my feeling to Freeplane.

    Freeplane can Change the Whole World, as far as I'm concerned people don't know how to use freeplane in it's fully potential, and at the same time someone like me is supposed to show people how to use it.

    After 11 Years Working with mind maps and having a pedagody thesis about I just can't stop getting amazed with this tool, and not to mention the unexplored potetial of this tool cos as we reseach more about we keep finding better ways to manage knowledge, information and ideias.

    Cheers and Best Regards.


    Last edit: Jonas 2016-10-11