
Highlight text search results?

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-01-08

    Hi friends,

    When I work with Freeplane, I use notes a lot. I always display the note panel on the right side of my screen.

    When I search for some text, I often set the find option to "Core, details or note". For example, If I search the whole mind-map for "I love Freeplane", I want Freeplane to highlight the search results in this way:

    In the map area, all nodes containing "I love Freeplane" should be highlighted. And when I click on a specific highlighted node to read its notes (on the note panel), I want all "I love Freeplane" instances inside this note to be highlighted too.

    Is this possible? If this is not possible with the built-in features of Freeplane, can I implement this with scripting?

    Thank you.

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2016-01-08

    +1 on this idea :)

  • nnako

    nnako - 2016-01-08

    +1 on this idea

    Robertonisola wrote:

    In the map area, all nodes containing "I love Freeplane" should be highlighted. And when I click on a specific highlighted node to read its notes (on the note panel), I want all "I love Freeplane" instances inside this note to be highlighted too.

    Currently, if I want to "highlight" search results contained in the CORE, the NOTES and the DETAILS, I use the following built-in search-and-replace functionality. It is not exactly what you asked for, but it seems to be just one step away from it. By clicking on any search list item you will be directed to the node:

    [File] > [Search and replace...] or <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + <F>

    Currently, using the search-and-replace form, calculated contents are NOT VISIBLE within the search results list. So, additionally to Robertonisola's idea, I'd love to see search results within the core, nodes and details which were calculated from a formula. Nice would be, to have it configurable by a switch within the form, saying "include calculated strings" or so.

    • Robertonisola

      Robertonisola - 2016-01-09

      Hi nnako,

      <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + <F> is good, but it is still not enough. If there are multiple instances of "I love Freeplane" in a note, I want all of them to be highlighted, like in this demonstration picture:

      To be honest, Freeplane is awesome, but SimplyHTML is a little too simple ^^ I often have to use a lot of AutoIT scripts to support SimplyHTML, in order to make it more convenient to use (like quick image insert, quick HTML link insert, quick text font color change, ...) but I think AutoIT cannot help with this task, that's why I came here for help.

      Best regards,

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-01-08


  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2018-12-15

    I see this is an old thread, but I'd really like this feature to highlight the text that was actually searched for. It would be a huge time saver for nodes and notes that are long.

    But I'd actually like it a bit different than described. When I search for "Freeplane" I want nodes with "Freeplane" highlighted and the actual word "Freeplane" highlighted in a different way (perhaps by changing the background color of the text).

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2018-12-28


      Has this been put in as a feature request ticket? I would vote for it there.