
presentations tab . playlist - or workaround

Ken Hill
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-10

    I'm trying to make a presentation for a church service. It needs an opening segment, a sermon segment, and a closing segment.

    Using the presentations tab (1.6.1), if I do it all in one presentation (including multi-verse songs) I'm afraid it will be unmanageable. I'd like to break it into 3 (or more) separage presentations.

    But I need a way to seamlessly (or a variation thereof) link the mini-presentations together so I don't have to do a lot of presentation tab techno stuff everyone in the audience will see and be confused by.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    btw - I have a feature request submitted to make this kind of functionality incorporated into the presentation tab.

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2017-02-11

    I have no idea how to do it Ken but I have voted + as it seems to be an interesting feature that would add value to FP and you have described clearly what benefit it would return and the effect on the audience that in its current state it causes. I also hate tech manipulation in the eyes of everyone.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Freeplaen 1.6.1_09 : Presentation option "Combine all presentations" lets "next slide" and "previous slide" iterate through all presentations

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-12


    Wow! You are in the groove. Thanks. Can't wait to try it. This should make presentations for me a lot easier to manage.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Ken, I am really curious to see a real use case using freeplane presentations. For me it still looks more like a toy than liek something useful, and I would be greatful to see a real example proving the opposite.

      • zipizap

        zipizap - 2017-02-12

        Yeah, people this all looks great, but in truth I barely can follow the
        discussions as they progress so fast.

        Could anyone make a simple video "demo" of all the new preaentation
        features introduced lately? Not too descriptive or anything, just a "this
        is how it works" example. To give more light to all that its being
        implemented by Dimitry!

        Thanks all, it looks great nonetheless

        On 12 Feb 2017 18:05, "Dimitry Polivaev" wrote:

        Ken, I am really curious to see a real use case using freeplane
        presentations. For me it still looks more like a toy than liek something
        useful, and I would be greatful to see a real example proving the opposite.

        presentations tab . playlist - or workaround

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  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-13


    "Combine all presentations"

    This is definitely an improvement. But it would be even better if this "playlist" could be controlled something like conditional styles - with a checkbox next to each presentation in the "playlist".

    My most immediate goal is to use Freeplane presentations to put on a large TV the slides I want for a Christian worship service. I currently use a page layout program that exports a PDF file. I am working on the use case you asked for but it may take a few days -- my grandkids are keeping me pretty busy.

    Sometimes if I'm pressed for time I might need to cut out some part. For example, we have a portion of the service for congregational song choices. That sometimes has to be cut out. Most of the time that is only 1 slide, which I can just hurry past. But other times I may have a pre-selected song(s), which would may include several slides.

    I typically would put that part of the service into a presentation. But the way it is now, if I want to delete that part for one service, I have to either rapidly press the downArrow key (risking moving past where I intended to stop. Or just delete the presentation (knowing I'd have to recreate it for next time. I guess I could have 2 maps but that kind of defeats the magic of having my data and presentation combined in one program. (If clones could be shared between maps, it wouldn't be a problem.)

    If the "playlist" control was similar to the conditional styles, I could hopefully just uncheck a checkbox and have that presentation not be included with the whole thing for that service. The following week, I could check the checkbox so it could be included for that week.

    Also, there is a significant time gap between the presentations in the "play list". Between the last slide of one presentation and the first slide of the next presentation. I begin to think my downArrow press didn't take and try it again. Then I've skipped past a slide. I'll try to make a video about this problem.