
Freeplane preview 1.5.0 Alpha: how to change root node format?

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  • Nam

    Nam - 2015-11-19


    I want to remove the circle around the root node (new by default in 1.5 preview).
    I didn't find any way to change this "edge" in the properties panel.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hi Nam,

    thank you for your message.
    It is the new root node shape. It was oval before and become circle now.
    It has never been modifiable by user.
    Why actually do you prefer the old shape?
    What is a need to configure it?


  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2015-11-19

    My preference would be for a configurable oval (where a circle is one possible config) for the root. Different maps look better with different shaped roots. I'd like Freeplane to at least keep the ability to do this:
    - Bal


    Last edit: Bal Simon 2015-11-19
  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-19

    It would be great if we could have different alternative shapes not only for the root node, but for all nodes in general. Shapes like rectangle, diamond, square, circular, oval, triangle, hexagon and so on...
    Now that Freeplane is getting nice new features lately, it would be an excellent time to implement this.

  • Nam

    Nam - 2015-11-19

    Hi All, Hi Dimitry,

    I think the old oval shape is more logical because text written in node (here root node) is often (not to say always) larger horizontaly than verticaly.

    The circle node style in the preview shocked me because it was not adapted to my existing root node text content: there is far too much empty space 'in' the node (between the node text and the circular line) ... making the root node too big.

    Hope my point of view is more clear. Waiting for other users opinions.



    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2015-11-19

      Nam, I agree with you. Circle is not nice for a text node. Wastes too much

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hi all,

    thank you for your opinions. In principle because no node is placed above or below root node by the automatic layout, round root node should not make any problems.

    By the way, freeplane 1.5 actually was created not to add new options for manual formatting but rather for automatic formatting as some fresh ideas came. Nevertheless I shall think about a nice solution for node shapes.

    I would like to see more screenshots of maps where oval is better than circle.


  • abc163

    abc163 - 2015-11-19

    Hi all,

    It seems the nodes of v1.5x do not have top and bottom margins. The nodes of v1.3x look better to me.


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hi all,

    after reading your messages I would like to add some new shapes in Freeplane 1.5.x. Currently we have only Bubble and Fork shapes. I would like to add Oval, Circle, Hexagon and Low Bubble (meaning Bubble without margin).

    However I have a problem and I need your help to solve it.

    Currently node shape settings (Bubble or Fork) are ignored by the root node itself. They were always painted as Ovals, and now as Circles. If I let root node be painted according to its declared shape it shall change appearance of root node on maps where its shape is set to be bubble or fork. The same is the case if bubble or fork shape is selected on the relevant style for example on the default style. On such maps user need to select oval or circle shape or remove shape assignment from the root node.

    Do you think it is acceptable? Do you know a better approach?


  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-20

    Dimitry, I personally think that the trade-off is totally acceptable. New node shapes is a very useful feature. I'm really glad that you are considering implementing it.


    Last edit: Carlos 2015-11-20
  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-20

    I'm already testing it. :-) Thanks very much, Dimitry!
    Bug: "small oval" option appears 2 times in the "node style" droplist on the properties panel. Sometimes I can't change properly between "bubble" and "small oval".


    Last edit: Carlos 2015-11-20
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Already fixed in 1.5.1_02, I am uploading it now

    • Carlos

      Carlos - 2015-11-20

      Thanks. It's working nicely so far.

  • abc163

    abc163 - 2015-11-20

    Thank you, Dimitry! I like all those new features!


  • Nam

    Nam - 2015-11-21


    I've just tested this new feature it looks promising ;-) thanks to Dimitry for both his proposals and his "speed" to implement it.

    When I use "small oval style" the text of the default french map is not nice (line of the oval "cuts" the text of the root node, look at the first letter "N"). See attached : default map + screen capture.

    What do you think: it's normal or do I need to fill a bug?

    Best regards,


    Last edit: Nam 2015-11-21
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    There is no need to fill a bug report, I fixed it.

  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-21

    Another bug: big oval, small oval and circle don't take the branch color; they are always grey.


    Last edit: Carlos 2015-11-21
  • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-21

    The problem still exists on small oval and big oval:
    Also, whenever I type a long text inside these nodes, the keybord becomes irresponsive after a short time.

    I'm using freeplane-1.5.1-alpha_pre03


    Last edit: Carlos 2015-11-21
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Carlos, please attach your test mind map to your post so that I can use it for testing.

    Regards, Dimitry

  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-21

    Here is the mind map:

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I fixed the oval shape and also added 3 new hexagonal shapes in 1.5.1_04

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