
A big thanks to the development/management team

Bal Simon
  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2016-07-18

    I just want to give a big thumbs up to you guys. The quality of Freeplane
    is as professionally crafted as anything else on the market. The feature set
    is superb, as is your attention to userbase comments and requests (even
    if what we want isn't always doable).

    The quality of this forum is also a testament to what you do as you draw
    users who have been here for a long time - even when there are other
    choices we could make.

    I use Freeplane every day. It is the central program for managing my information,
    and it is flexible enough for me to use mindmapping in a completely personalized

    Thank you very much indeed.

    Kind Regards,


    Last edit: Bal Simon 2016-07-18
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-07-18

    +1 what he said!

    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-07-18

      +1 subscribe entirely, thanks for all your kind devotion, the results are
      trully effective on others people knowledge-management.

  • linuxuser123

    linuxuser123 - 2016-07-19

    Same here, absolutely agree with Bal on everything he said!

    Thanks heaps guys! :)

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-07-20

    Working on a project today, using Freeplane, I caught myself - several times - thinking, "Freeplane is so amazingly cool." And FP just keeps getting more amazing and more cool.

    Freeplane's amazing coolness was distracting from my project. Once I had to stop to add an entry into my gratitude journal (which I keep in Freeplane, of course) -- I am so grateful for this cool, amazing tool.

    And now this testimonial here. Thanks to everyone involved with making Freeplane so great.

    I've got to get back to work!

    • Robertonisola

      Robertonisola - 2016-07-21

      Your comment are so funny :D

      I love Freeplane too. Perhaps the coolest thing about Freeplane is that you can customize it anyway you want via scripts.

      Of course other apps also have this feature. However, Freeplane by default has already been an awesome piece of software, so we only need to make few tiny tweaks in order to turn it into a perfect digital companion.