
Suggestion: toggle view/hide for icons, connectors, links

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-04-22


    For many Freeplane items you can already toggle view/hide:
    - notes and attributes icons
    - notes and attributes content
    - node detail content

    Having in mind overall Freeplane usage, but also presenting the map to an audience, including through the new Freeplane presentation mode (v1.6), other items would also benefit from toggle view/hide, as described below and showed in this snapshot:

    a) icons from "icons tool bar": in 90% of my maps they are exclusively for my internal control developing the map. When presenting to an audience, most of the time I duplicate the map, remove all icons (the batch removal makes the job easier), then present it. If I could simply toggle view/hide "icons" the map duplication would be avoided, and it would be easier to track just a single map for both knowledge management + presentation purposes when needed.

    b) connectors: they are resources I should use often, but because of map aesthetics are messed easily with too many connectors, I tend to avoid using connectors when the purpose of the map is for presentation. Actually, "connectors" can't be removed in batch as "icons", otherwise I would use them more. Anyway, toggle view/hide "connectors" would bring the same benefits discussed above, including the maintenance of a single map for knowledge + presentation. Freeplane has already the feature "hide single end connectors", which doesn't intent to hide connectors completely. Then the suggestion for toggling view/hide connectors is to full hide connectors.

    c) links (local and external): overall, links cause less problems in terms of the map aesthetics. Anyway, for presenting, not always I will use the links and when a node has the link "icon", it raises in the audience "what is it for", "what is going to happen with nodes having arrows". Overall, allowing to toggle view/hide for links would bring consistence together the other elements of Freeplane that can have view/hide toggled. As for connectors, links can't be removed in batch too, what makes tougher to remove them from map for presentation when links aren't needed and will just distract the audience.

    In short, the suggestions for toggle view/hide refers to (a) icons, (b) connectors, (c) links. This would be a great achievement already.

    Additionally, if Freeplane allowed to batch remove connectors and links (as it already performs for most of elements), the flexibility to work with Freeplane maps for knowledge management and presentation in a single map would achieve higher levels yet.

    Thanks for considering it,


    Last edit: Cadux 2017-04-22
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-04-22

    +1 This added functionality would be useful to me.

  • Info Educara

    Info Educara - 2017-04-23


    toggle view/hide refers to (a) icons, (b) connectors, (c) links


    batch remove connectors and links

  • Marcus Widerberg

    reviving this a bit. If I understand it correctly (and looking at what I can do in the program), I can toggle visibility of e g icons - including link icons.

    I cannot hide the link arrow(s), while retaining icons - is that correct?

    BR! /mawi

  • Marcus Widerberg


    Last edit: Marcus Widerberg 2020-09-23
  • Marcus Widerberg

    So I want to be able show icons - but hide the red link arrows.

    (All my nodes have links, so they are redundant. But I want to use icons to categorize, the red arrows are just noise)

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    It is not just "noize", you can click on the red arrows to open the link.
    However, it could be made configurable.

    • Marcus Widerberg

      Hello @dpolivaev,
      I'm sorry if it came across in a negative way - I did not mean noise in a negative way in general, just in my specific use case, no criticism intended.

      I e since all nodes (in this particular mindmap/use case) have links, the red arrows are redundant in this situation, which is why they essentially become noise - again, in this particular mindmap/use case.

      I appreciate freeplance greatly.
      After having used it for several years now I am trying to create a tool for a specific use case.

      Best regards!

    • Marcus Widerberg

      Oh, and I forgot:
      In this case, I am using ctrl-enter to tell freeplane to navigate to the URL for the node.
      So I can navigate without the red arrow.

  • abc163

    abc163 - 2020-09-23

    The red arrow icon can be hidden on Format Tool panel by using hyperlink, but the link response would turn slightly slower. Can it be improved? Maybe I am too picky.

    • Marcus Widerberg

      Perfect - that works nicely for my need! 🎂🎉🎉👏

      I will try and setup a style or redefine default style for this mindmap that has that option checked.

      Thanks alot!


      Last edit: Marcus Widerberg 2020-09-23
    • Marcus Widerberg

      😒🤔 The only downside I found is that clicks on nodes always start navigation to the URL.

      So a workaround to select a node using the mouse, I can rightclick it and then exit out of the contextmenu.

      ℹ ❔ 💡 But it would be great if it would be possible to have the nodes formatted like links yet requiring ctrl-click to actually open the URL. For many document editors (think office, google docs), this is a common pattern that I think would be intuitive also for a mindmap. (Hmm, maybe that was the way it worked when the red arrow icon was there... cant remember just now)


      • abc163

        abc163 - 2020-09-23

        I set the node width on 170x170 px, so most of the time those nodes have extra space for click selection. Clicking below the text underline is another option, but that needs carefulness.

    • abc163

      abc163 - 2020-09-23

      Just found out the trick. Clicking text link, link respose is slightly slower, but clicking icons, the response is quick as red arrow.