
video . a rough use case for presentations

Ken Hill
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-19

    I just posted a new video showing a rough use case using Freeplane for presentations. I have not actually used this presentation in front of an audience. I'm just tweaking it and then I'll run it by a friend of mine with similar interests to see if he thinks it is worth pursuing.

    It would be to teach a class on New Testament Greek word study technique called "phrasing" recommended by Bill Mounce (who was on the translation team for both English Standard Version [ESV] and New International Version [NIV]).

    I just thought it might help showcase the presentation tab which is getting better by the day. I've got a couple of other use cases I'm working on, too.

    I hope lots of people start using the presentations tab to help give the developers feedback for improvements. And I hope lots of people share their use cases.

    I think the presentations tab is a major improvement for Freeplane. For years I've been looking for a way to use my information managemnt program for presentations, without having to port a bunch of stuff over to PowerPoint or a page layout program.

    I think Freeplane is getting very close. I'm already moving away from my page layout program (Serif PagePlus) to Freeplane. I am not so full of optimism to believe Freeplane presentations are a one-to-one equivalent. But then I don't need a lot of fancy transitions and suchlike. Your mileage may vary.

  • frogstory

    frogstory - 2017-02-22

    Nice video, Ken. It inspired me to use the new FreePlane presentation capabilities to make a video about developing a script.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2017-02-22

      Thanks for the encouragement. I saw your video and gave it a thumbs up. Got a few tips from it. Thanks.

    • Quinbus

      Quinbus - 2017-02-22

      Wow! It is at this specific conjunction of scripting and attributes that I personally find the staggering power of Freeplane! Well done! As a script newbie, I particularly like the way you helped us understand what you actually coded. Without that, those of us less versed in groovy just sort of stumble around putting pieces in place from other scripts that seem to do what we want to do in our own scripts. The result isn't pretty, even if it works. As I almost always find, the cartoonist Gary Larsen says what I'm trying to say much better than I can:

      But, as I say, the real power of Freeplane comes from a basic understanding of simple scripts, coupled with native features like attributes, conditional styles, links, etc. Any user that wants to harness this power simply must mount the sometimes daunting learning curve associated with scripts. I personally like tinkering and don't mind running down script errors until I get something to work, but I'm sorta wired that way.

      Question for those of you who are fluent in groovy: Is there any known resource that is available that would help scripting newbies find ways to automate simple tasks like populating attributes and constructing links? Absent an existing resource, is there ANY way to build a simple tutorial or template that people could use to accomplish basic tasks?

      Maybe this is too simplistic to think such is possible. But effective basic scripts have a logrithmic impact on the power of Freeplane, in my experience.


  • Quinbus

    Quinbus - 2017-02-22

    Thinking about that basic script template idea is a different thread. I've thought of some other ideas and will post them there. Sorry for the diversion.



    Last edit: Quinbus 2017-02-22