
1.5.7_01 . joining nodes - strips out "soft returns"

Ken Hill
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-02-14

    I tried joining some nodes in the same way I've always done it but this time when the nodes were joined, they didn't have soft returns between where the joins came together..

    I tried playing with the new prefernces settings but nothing seems to change it.

    Sometimes I like the soft returns stripped out using the wikdNode add-on but other times I'd like soft returns in the newly-joined node.

    Is there a procedure for getting back to the old way? (I hope this makes sense.)

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Ken, I do not understand what you mean. Do not make it too hard for me. I do not have time for guessing what you could have observed. Please record a screen cast, give me your map, descibe me what you did, what you expected, what happened and how I can reproduce so that I can just follow you description, see your point and fix it.

    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-02-14

      Just a suggestion - windows program to easily record desktop movie and
      upload to streamium: shareX


      Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2016-02-14
    • abc163

      abc163 - 2016-02-14

      I think Ken means the "Join node" feature does not work in the new version. I've created a bug ticket here .

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-02-14

      Sorry for the miscommunication. I put a video at the link below. It shows the default behavior in 1.5.6 and that I'm seeing in 1.5.7. I cannot find where to make the 1.5.7 behavior like the 1.5.6 behavior.

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Thank you, I fixed it.

  • Jonas

    Jonas - 2016-02-14

    I like to Screen Cast Videos with this software here.

    Is a Free Software, the video quality and audio caption is good, there is many options and settings so you can choose the one that fits you better.

    But this is just for screen casting, this softare doesn't allow you to edit the video.

    You also can google for free video editors, but at least Open Broadcaster solve the problem.

    Then you can upload the video to youtube or other site, and send the link to anyone that you want to show something.

    I think that is easier show something than trying to explain, that's why I Always try to screen cast things.

    And this could be an advice for everyone in this forum, this will help a lot everybody, and mostly our dear and regardful developers, we all really appreciate their valuable job and skills.

    I just get amazed with every thing version of Freeplane.

    I realize that in each new version developers bring Up New features that make us give less click in the mouse and keyborad to do the same taks that before used to require us more efforts.

    Automating and Setting Options on Freeplane, This is the Best Mind Map Software in the whole world.

    Cheers and Best Regards.

    • abc163

      abc163 - 2016-02-14

      Here is also another screen video recording application ActivePresenter ( ). The free version give you enough basic features for recording and presentation. You can edit (cut, delete, crop, join, split, change volume, insert freeze frame.) and add annotation. The first time I installed the software did not give me good quality recording with unknown reasons, and now I have re-installed it and made a recording, sharp, clear and good colour!


      Last edit: abc163 2016-02-14