
How to perform searching efficiently in a large .mm file?

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2017-01-26

    Hi friends,

    I have used Freeplane for quite a long time, and it's great. There's just one thing I want to ask: How do you perform a search efficiently in a large .mm file?

    Usually, in not-too-large .mm files, If I need to search for some keyword, I use this search box:

    And then I can press Enter to iterate through the search results.

    But in a large .mm file, a keyword often appears many times, at many nodes. Therefore iterating through search results by pressing Enter repeatedly is time consuming and not efficient.

    In programs such as Microsoft Word, there is a very useful navigation panel in which you can enter a keyword and then all of its instances will appear in the panel like this:

    If you click in an item, you will be brought immediately to the real location of that item in the document, which is great.

    I wonder is there a similar feature in Freeplane?


    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2017-01-26

      Control-shift-F to open the FIND-AND-REPLACE WINDOW where you can search
      and see all the results displayed nicely. I use it to make finds most of
      the time, without actually replacing anything

      On 26 Jan 2017 05:36, "Robertonisola" wrote:

      Hi friends,

      I have used Freeplane for quite a long time, and it's great. There's just
      one thing I want to ask: How do you perform a search efficiently in a large
      .mm file?

      Usually, in not-too-large .mm files, If I need to search for some keyword,
      I use this search box:

      And then I can press Enter to iterate through the search results.

      But in a large .mm file, a keyword often appears many times, at many
      nodes. Therefore iterating through search results by pressing Enter
      repeatedly is time consuming and not efficient.

      In programs such as Microsoft Word, there is a very useful navigation
      panel in which you can enter a keyword and then all of its instances will
      appear in the panel like this:

      If you click in an item, you will be brought immediately to the real
      location of that item in the document, which is great.

      I wonder is there a similar feature in Freeplane?


      How to perform searching efficiently in a large .mm file?

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  • C Chiu

    C Chiu - 2017-01-26

    Have you tried the Quick Filter - the funnel with the lightning bolt Icon, 2nd from the right on the FILTER TOOL BAR ?

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-01-26

    I also use Find & Replace (Ctrl-Shift-F) a lot. And quick filter.

    I often find it convenient to use Filter selected nodes (menubar Filter > Filter selected nodes) along with Find and replace.

    If I suspect what I'm looking for is in a particular branch, I'll select the first node in the branch and filter on selected nodes. Or you can start with multiple nodes selected then filter on selected nodes.

    Then I open Find and replace. Now it is restricted to find only within the node(s) I selected + their children (IF you have show descendants enabled).

    Within find & replace, you can click on column headings to sort. There are checkboxes for match case and regular expression.

    Also, you can select multiple nodes from the search hits and press the goto button. Then all the search hits you selected will be selected in the map. You can then filter on selected nodes to see only those nodes.

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-01-26

    PS -

    menubar Filter > Filter selected nodes

    This is one of my most-used FP features. It is a lot like xMind's "drill down" feature. You can filter on a branch or branches to hide everything else and temporarily eliminate distractions. I have this assigned to a hotkey, along with remove filter, show/hide ancestors, show/hide descendants. I use it constantly in every FP session. Especially in large maps.

  • Rafal Machalica

    Rafal Machalica - 2017-01-27

    I use combination of filters + find. My map grew so huge over time, that sometimes I even need to filter recursively (i.e. use "Apply filter on filtered nodes" icon - funnel with orange arrow pointing down).

    I use it so extensively, that I created custom shortcuts for quick access to filtering functions.

    Up to now, out of several different mindmapping programs I tested, only Freeplane is able to handle my large maps efficiently, not only from memory consumption / rendering speed perspective, but also thanks to excellent flexible and powerful filtering features my huge map is still perfectly usable with great ergonomy.


    Last edit: Rafal Machalica 2017-01-27