
Preview 1.6.2_01 beta

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    There is a new preview version labeled 1.6.2_01 beta.
    All bug fixes and new features I commented as "fixed in 1.6.1_21" are actually fixed in this version.

    I changed its status to beta. It means that not new feature requests shall be implemented for 1.6.x .
    We only need to check that it runs smoothly and that is can be released.

    New features:

    Multi-columns icons tool bar
    "Close all maps" and "close all other maps" actions added to file menu
    Options to hide icons and connectors
    Option note icon in notes tool-tip
    Aligning current node on the left side, on the right side or on the center, hot keys alt+W (west), alt+E (east), alt+C (center)
    Option to move aligned node smoothly
    Option to define spotlight background color

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2017-04-30


  • C Chiu

    C Chiu - 2017-04-30

    I love the changes.
    Especially the East and West repositiioning with the smooth option!

    Thanks so much Dimitry & team!

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-04-30

    I, too, welcome these changes. You guys are very responsive to our requests. Thanks.

    As we say in rural western Utah: "This keeps getting gooder and gooder."

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I have fixed some important bugs introduced in the latest preview.
    Please use 1.6.2_02

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2017-04-30

    I look forward to exploring this release. One thing I noticed off the bat was that the arrow icons that indicate a link are significantly larger than they were in 1.6.1. Is this intended? Is there a setting to change their size?

    • Bal
  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-04-30

    the arrow icons that indicate a link are significantly larger than they were in 1.6.1

    I am not seeing that here. Although I do not have a calibrated eyeball, they look about like they looked before.


    Last edit: Ken Hill 2017-04-30
    • Bal Simon

      Bal Simon - 2017-04-30

      Hmmm - this what I see. I like your arrows better. :) How do i get them
      instead of the ones I've got?

      And as can be seen, Wednesday has to become a two-line node because of the added width of the arrow icon.

      • Bal

      Last edit: Bal Simon 2017-04-30
      • abc163

        abc163 - 2017-05-01

        You can use the old icons theme to have that small arrow.

        • Bal Simon

          Bal Simon - 2017-05-01

          Cool - I'll explore that. Thanks.

          My original question still stands though. Is there a way to get the smaller sized link icons that I had in 1.6.1?

          • Bal
          • abc163

            abc163 - 2017-05-01

            That icon size is related with Toolbar icon height in Preferences. I am not sure whether it is a bug, but I am going to report it.

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-04-30

    Many thanks for the impressive improvements in 1.6.2 (+ 1.6.1_21).
    Also impressive the development pace and feedback to users requests!

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2017-05-01

    I agree, very impressive: these new FP improvements let me work much better. Many thanks to FP Team.