
Please try Freeplane 1.5.11

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Please try Freeplane 1.5.11 before we move it to stable.
    Changes are related to default template map and positioning of task list and search and replace dialogs

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-07-10

      positioning of task list

      This probably is a stupid question but what is the task list?

    • Neo

      Neo - 2016-07-10

      Some errors on the initial run of this version. Sent through the built-in error reporting system. Cheers

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Neo, do you mean

        missing key freeplaneGTD_view_project
        missing key freeplaneGTD_view_who
        missing key freeplaneGTD_view_context
        missing key freeplaneGTD_view_when


        Please submit a bug report so that we can fix it because I need more info and I prefer not to use forum for discussing single bugs.

        • Neo

          Neo - 2016-07-10


  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2016-07-09

    The history file for 1.5.11 only reads: "Restore old default map template" as the only change in this release.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Other changes are too small to be mentioned in history