
#2364 HiDPI support

Next Release
Mint 18

openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~16.04.1-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

On HiDPI display things look tiny (imagine the following screenshot on a 13" screen):

What I've tried so far:
Set DPI in the Preferences. Influences only MM fonts.
Look-and-feel is better with GTK (which I believe is the default).
Install Oracle JDK (no effect).
Set the following JAVA options (that tend to help with PyCharm, for example):


The above options had no effect either. So I guess some deeper support for HiDPI is needed.
I haven't tried running latest preview releases as according to "history.txt" there were no changes that could help

I would be very grateful if you could fix this as I'm a heavy user of Freeplane for all kinds of stuff.




    BLOOD WOLF 3 - 2016-07-15

    I see you use 1.3.15 - try the latest stable :)

  • Queeq

    Queeq - 2016-07-15

    No difference in appearance. But maybe I "installed" it incorrectly. I simply copied the contents of the "bin" archive to /usr/share/freeplane. Some things didn't work at all. For example, "About" and "Preferences" menu items. Had to revert back.

  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2016-07-16

    hello Queeq,

    this might work, but you would need to remove the previous contents first, which is not
    a good idea (don't mess with package files).

    If you don't need mime type associations, just extract the bin zip in $HOME and start using
    ./ from within. You can of course create a shortcut for your desktop environment
    for this.

    Cheers and Best Regards,

  • Queeq

    Queeq - 2016-07-16

    Thanks for the hint Felix. This way all the functionality works but program controls are still tiny.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hello Queeg,

    do I see it right that the menu and preferences font size is all right and you want to change font sizes on the tabe and on the right panel?

    are menu font sizes good for you on all look-and-feel settings on only on GTK?


  • Queeq

    Queeq - 2016-07-16

    Hello Dmitriy,

    Menues and windows font sizes are good only on GTK+.

    What I would like to be changed are:
    1. right panel fonts' size;
    2. size of icons (even if they are not vector, it's better if they are bigger even if they are blurry IMO);
    3. font of the tabs that list currently opened mindmaps;
    4. buttons' sizes in all windows (e.g. editor);
    5. mindmap edge widths (they didn't scale as well).


    Last edit: Queeq 2016-07-16
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Panel font sizes are improved on current stable (1.5.11)

    • Queeq

      Queeq - 2016-07-16

      Sorry, I was looking at 1.3.15.
      There is an improvement in 1.5.11 indeed.

  • baudl

    baudl - 2016-09-22

    I am on v 1.3.16 and the situation is still terrible.
    I'm having a surface 4. Set Freeplane up to 150dpi. Fonts become ok and redable, but icons are terribly small. Pen use is not possible. Not to think about touch mode.

    to give you an impression how that looks like compared to other programs I attached a screenshot.
    Freeplan - tiny
    Keypass - still small
    OneNote - touchable

  • Gary Oberbrunner

    I'm having similar issues with 1.5.17 on Surface 4 running Win10. Even with prefs set to 150dpi, the icons on the menu bar are extremely small (can't even see what they are) and the tab titles are also tiny: they look like 3 or 4 point size.