
#2362 IndexOutOfBoundsException Error in 1.5.9

Next Release

I have recently installed the 1.5.9 version and I get repeatedly on several nodes an IndexOutOfBoundsException error. I have send all of these error, but I also wanted to repor them here.

The nodes where this happens have nothing special : standard style, no icon, some have notes, others not.

there is for exampel one node, that has as text :

names(d)[names(d)=="beta"] <- "two"

and nothing else.
The error sometimes turns up when clickin on a node, and sometimes when FreePlane is just sitting there and doing nothing.

I have attached one of the complete reported errors

I hope this hasn't messed up my map, I'm using and increasing this map every day. It si one of my major resources ....



1 Attachments


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    The error is somehow related to the notes. When you select another node, Freeplane tries to check if note in the node selected before has changed and fails I do now know why.

    So in order to help you I need either the whole map or at least a part of it which you probably can just copy and paste into a new map where you see this problem.

    I have got no similar bug reports before.

    I think that beside notes map content is not damaged, but I would like to investigate the problem better.
    If you can not send me a map or a map fragment I have to create a special version with extended logging and probably repeat it multiple times until I know the origins of the problem.


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Please check if Freeplane version 1.5.10_03 solves this problem for you.

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2016-06-27

    Dear Dimitry,
    I'm sorry to say (or rather not ;-) that I cannot repeat the error today (same map, same nodes) : everything seems to work correctly. I had made changes to the map on friday and had to save it. Perhaps this has corrected the problem ?
    I have tried a few other maps , different nodes, with our withour notes .... no problem anymore.
    But I will anyway install the new version and post here if there are any difficulties


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Hi Oliver,

    you might have partly lost the notes at the nodes where you have seen the error leaving the node.
    There was no danger for any other map contents.

    If you want to be sure install the laters preview version and let it restore your older map version by opening the current version, selecting File->restore from local history and opening one of the backup with timestamp before you saved it on friday.

    Save your older version under a new name and revisit the nodes where you had seen the problem before. Do not save old version under the file name because it would overwrite your changes.

    Now you can compare the note content in the old and new maps. You can report me what you found.
    However your report was the only one about such problem.


  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2016-06-28

    OK, did all of that : first result was that the error did again occur. Just right after new installation and restoring the map from friday. The error occured both in the restored and in the recent version of the map.
    I have attached the map reduced to the branch where the error occurs in the two last nodes in the branch. I have had the error only in these two nodes, not anywhere else in this map, nor in other maps.
    By the way, the two last nodes are a bit strange as the text which is in the last node also appears in the note of the node above it. And this note seems also to be missing someting, but whihc I did not get back with the oldes autosave available.

