
#89 Eliminate turn-processing splash screen


I think the turn processing splash screen is quite
terrible for game immersiveness.

Departing the main game screen every time you process a
turn results in a very fragmented game experience;
compare this to MoO II, Total War or any Civ-based game
where a turn passes smoothly within the game engine,
resulting in a continuous, immersive game experience.

I think we should entirely dispose of the
turn-processing splash screen. Preferably, it would
still be possible to move around your empire and
examine systems, fleets etc while waiting for the turn
to finish processing, although obviously no further
orders could be submitted. The state of the turn
processor could be shown with a line of red text over
the map below the "End Turn" button.

If that's not possible, we should instead simply lock
the current display and display the turn processor
state using throbbing red text (ie cycle between light
and dark) in the center of the screen, rather than
displaying a splash screen.

I also agree with the Sourceforge feature request that
UI elements which were open at the end of the previous
turn should still be open at the start of the current
turn (eg fleets, production/research UI, etc).

If the graphics department are so very attached to
their work, then allow the splash screen to be used as
a client option - which should be OFF by default.


  • Mark Saward

    Mark Saward - 2006-01-15

    Logged In: YES

    I agree that the turn processing screen should be removed.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    In single player the splash screen reports that it is
    downloading etc as though for a multiplayer game which is
    inappropriate. I also agree that it would be better
    without the splash screen during MP. If its necessary to
    have a SS and prevent browsing of the game for technical
    reasons then a themed splash screen like a peeling
    calendar date or whirling clock animation might be more
    pleasing. Just a thought.

  • eleazzaar

    eleazzaar - 2006-10-02

    Logged In: YES

    I agree that all UI elements that display information should work as normal, but
    any UI element that would place an order should be grayed out.

    Perhaps the "End Turn" button should be replaced with something hard to miss
    saying something like "Waiting for other players to finish" (though hopefully with
    less words.)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I concur that turn processing should be inobtrusive. It also should not close the windows you have open when you click the turn button