
#137 Reboot of FreeNAS when APM change


FreeNAS 0.68 server reboots when Power Management setting of SATA drives are changed via the web GUI.

When i changed several APM settings of my Seagate 7200.10 320Gb SATAII drives i got a list of error messages on my console and then my FreeNAS server reboots spontaniously.

I now have swithed of all APM. All seems to work OK again. This event happened right after i copied a mass amount of data to one of my barracuda's (about 20Gb).

Dell 700Mhz pentium
Promise SATA300 TX4
Maxtor 20Gb PATA
Seagate 20Gb PATA
2 x Seagate 320Gb barracuda SATAII


  • Peter

    Peter - 2006-11-24

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    Originator: YES

    The problem is the Promise SATA300 TX4 controler card.
    This card is apparently not supported by FreeBSD and/or causes a lot of problems.

    Is it possible to get this card (and other Promise cards) supported in the near future ?

  • Peter

    Peter - 2006-11-25

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    Originator: YES

    I've switched off all APM settings in my BIOS and freed all Interupts.
    Furtheron i also switched off the SMART deamon in FreeNAS.
    My disks are on 150Mb speed (don't dare to switch them to 300Mb yet ...)

    Everything seems OK now and no panic messages on the console any more (for some time ....).

    Found out that the SATA300 TX4 IS supported by BSD BTW as from version 6.1.

    On the FreeNAS system status panel the used-percentages of the disk are correct btw.

  • SourceForge Robot

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