
#219 User defined attributes


I'd like to be able to add attributes to nodes so that
I can process the mm-file for other purposes.

One example could be to add finished % and export all
those nodes as tasks to outlook.

Another could be to mark a node as being an unanswerd
question so that all those could be listed regardless
of parent nodes.


  • Loïc ROBERT

    Loïc ROBERT - 2005-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    I agree with this request.
    If we can add our own attributes to a node, it would be

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I also agree!!! Can this be done as a plug-in?

  • Karl

    Karl - 2005-03-18

    Logged In: YES

    I agree, it would be nice to be able to set attributes to a node
    that relate more to the nature of the information and how it is
    used. Right now they appear to relate to the appearance of the
    node, which then is supposed to relate to the nature of the
    information, etc. At least some of them do not have to be user-
    definable; I think you could guess (or ask) what kinds of
    attributes would find useful.

    So besides % finished, I could see things like due date, date
    entered, or need action.

    The next step might be to allow queries like, Show all
    uncompleted items, or Hide all parent nodes where all child
    nodes are completed.

    This would be the bomb (more than it is already.)

  • Mark Edgington

    Mark Edgington - 2005-05-30

    Logged In: YES

    This is an excellent idea. In fact, I think *ALL* of the attributes/properties of a node should be available to the user. Perhaps all of the "internal" (or "system") attributes which are used by freemind should have their own namespace (i.e. "__freemind.{AttrName}") to pemit painless upgrades (no conflicting user-defined/system attributes).

    Also, there should exist a properties dialog box which can be popped up on a node, where one can edit all attributes (see feature request #1211429) of the node. In this case, perhaps the system attributes can be made viewable and possibly editable if they are things the normal user should be able to modify.

    This at least would provide for the time being full control over all the attributes of a node, and later perhaps other prettier means of modifying these attributes (i.e. context-menus, etc.) can be added.

    When I speak of system attributes, they include everything -- i.e. node type, node color, background color, text, and so on -- all the kinds of things which are stored in the .mm file.

  • APond

    APond - 2005-06-28

    Logged In: YES

    In addition to the user defined attributes, I would also
    like to see some automatically generated attributes such as
    date created and date modified.

    But more importantly, I would LOVE to see the possibly of
    having some template node types with the ability for users
    to generate and edit node templates.

    Templates can have their own default icon (or IconList) and
    predefined user attribute fields. The icing on the cake
    would be tool tips to show the attributes on hovering.

    To complement this, an automatically generated dialog
    (mentioned by edgimar) that allows these attributes to be
    edited would be necessary.

    I would sugest that these template files are stored
    independantly of the mm file and are loaded as plugins from
    a templates folder.

    Once an instance of a node exists, it ceases to be a
    template and becomes a node with the attribute of
    TemplateName set to the name of the template it originated
    from as a system attribute (as opposed to a user defined
    attribute). An option to disassociate a node from a template
    could be provided as combo box with an empty field so that
    all association with a template can be removed.

    Changing the template would also then require way of
    updating the MindMap nodes associated with that template
    with the relevant changes.

    This would not be an easy task, but I think that people can
    see the enormous power that this would give to the user when
    it comes to customising the FreeMind and making it look more
    like the MindMaps that Tony Buzan talks of.

    (Lets not go into template inheritance for now, but keep it
    in mind).


  • APond

    APond - 2005-06-28

    Logged In: YES

    I realised that my ideas on templates are far removed from
    the idea of having user defined attributes. I've added the
    idea of templates to a separate thread (#1228994) in order
    to keep comments in this thread relevant to attributes.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have very similar request.

    User should be able to creat his/her own attributes.

    Then the attributes should be sortable/searchable and also
    they may be calculated (like sum of attribute x of submodes).

    This would solve quite a few feature requests ...

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2007-10-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I am tagging this feature most requested, as there are other similar features to it, and it has been seconded several times below.

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2007-10-29
    • milestone: --> Most_Requested_Feature
  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-04-15

    Hmm, what am I missing here. This feature is part of FreeMind 1.01, isn't it?
    Shouldn't this be marked as "realized"?


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