
#115 Support for Bibliography/DragNDrop references to other nodes



first of all: Great Product!! I'm using it for the
organization of notes for all my academic work, and
it's wonderful. Especially the well-working keyboard
shortcuts make it extremely useful and fast.

Now for the feature request:

In academic writing, you have to make references to
sources at a large extend, so actually about 90% of the
nodes in my maps refer to a source in literature. It
would be extremely helpful to have support for this.

One thing would be to implement BibTex support somehow,
as request # 855442 mentions, but it's huge I guess.

My proposal is more generic:
1.) Key/Value node
Implement a very simplistic key/value node, which
consists of _two_ strings: an ID-string and a text
string. Bibliography in texts look like this:

[1] Turnlund, M.: Distributed Development: Lessons
Learned. In: ACM Queue, December + January 2003/2004,
pp. 26-31


[Turnlund 2003] Turnlund, M.: Distributed Development:
Lessons Learned. In: ACM Queue, December + January
2003/2004, pp. 26-31

The stuff in square brackets is the ID, the rest is
text. This would really suffice for a lot of applications.

2.) DragNDrop referencing

Implement a drag'n drop move (maybe CTRL-Drag or
ALT-Drag) that simply displays a straight connection
line from the source node to the target node. After
releasing the mouse, the line disappears and the source
node gets the target node's key added in square
brackets read-only at the end, which acts as a
hyperlink to the target node. The target node gets some
lock-symbol to show that it's being referenced and
becomes read-only. Once all references to the target
symbol have been removed, the lock disappears (visually
and implementation-wise).
The read-only thing could be left out at first to make
it more easy.

It this seems a good idea to you, maybe you have fun
implementing it. If anything is unclear in my
description, please contact me via sf mail.

best regards,


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