

  • DaveE

    DaveE - 2023-11-14

    maybe 13 years ago, an accomplice and my self where looking at knowledge management and we cam across freemind and thought it would be a good platform to mess around with.
    As a result we have a plugin that lets you put schemata on mind maps, context sensitive menus, more actions on node and its own plugin system that makes writing extensions for the plugin (not for freemind) stupid easy.
    It has a document generator that we use to write entire java class files, generate wiki text for documentation and SQL queries. Currently its being ripped appart to make it support OSGi plugins on top of all this.
    I've pinged the maintainers of freemind to ask them stuff and get some guidance about a few things.
    After the OSGi plugins are ready to go, it might be a good time to finally release it :)
    It really takes mind maps a whole new level of usefulness.
    Without freemind I never would have started down that path.
    Thanks a bunch!

  • DaveE

    DaveE - 2024-01-17

    woo hoo! OSGI plugins work now!
    to be clear, they work from the plugin I wrote called MindTypes.
    The plugin was written to make writing plugins far easier - and it does just that.
    I have to say it is* pretty cool to now just be able to drop a Jar file in the right directory and have it all work.


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