
Hyperlinks in Notes field

Lee Davis
  • Lee Davis

    Lee Davis - 2009-03-18

    If I enter a URL in the Notes field it does not become a hyperlink. I can go into the HTML tab and make it one manually but it would be nice to have a toolbar icon that helped us do this, or even for FM to automatically make them active URLs.

    Even if I manually create an anchor in the HTML tab, the link does not become active within the FM window, though (fortunately) it does become active in the exported map.



  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-04-15

    I am working in 1.01. Hyperlinks in Notes certainly work now (Ctrl-click), but how to make them?

    Writing in the html code view is cumbersome, so it would be great to have a tool for entering a hyperlink and it's screen text.

    (Right now the fastest I found is make a hyperlink in Word or Thunderbird, and then copy that into the Layout view. Not elegant, but it works.)


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