
#189 Painting has errors after switching display size


After resizing the display e.g. from 1024x768 to
1280x1024, FreeMind has problems repainting a part of
the display, if the MindMap is moved around on the
canvas (see attachment).

Steps to reproduce:

1.) Switch your desktop to lower resolution. E.g. 1024x768.
2.) Open FreeMind with a large map.
3.) Switch your desktop to higher resolution E.g. 1280x1024
4.) Minimize and Maximize FreeMind so that the whole
screen is utilized.
5.) Move the MindMap around.
6.) On the right hand side of the display is a
rectangle, which is not updated correctly. And which
get's out of sync with the position of the mindmap.

I hope that it's not a Swing problem. A short google
search didn't turn up anything, probably because I used
the wrong keywords.

Version Info:
- FreeMind 0.8.0 max
- Java 1.4.2_06
- Windows 2000


  • Jens Scheidtmann

    Screen shot of repainting failure

  • Ryan

    Ryan - 2008-06-16
    • labels: --> Painting and Laying out
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dpolivaev
  • Ryan

    Ryan - 2008-06-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Not verified yet. Just assigning to Dimitry.


  • Jens Scheidtmann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I can reproduce this with version 0.9.0-b18:

    One could add steps:

    2b) Minimize FreeMind before switching to higher resolution.
    4) Really should read: "Maximize ..." (that means delete "Minimize and " from the text)

    The painting issue only happens, if the screen resolution on the horizontal axis changed. And when the mouse is moved up or down in addition to moving to the right, during drag operation.

    My machine's configuration has changed:

    - Windows XP
    - Sun J2RE, SE, (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
    - FreeMind 0.9.0-b13, started through FreeMind.exe

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    It does not looks like a freemind problem, and it does not seem relevant at all. Dimitry

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    • assigned_to: dpolivaev --> christianfoltin

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