
#1306 Cannot edit long nodes using FM 1.1.0 Beta2 adapted code to run with Java 17 (Xubuntu, OpenJDK)


I use as OS Xubuntu 23.04
I compiled 1.1.0beta2 with the openjdk 17.0.6 2023-01-17
I used the commit at ([a1cfa8] adapted code to compile and run with java17 ).
I can only edit short nodes. I cannot edit long nodes. Select a long node and press F2: nothing happens. Or select node and left click and select Edit node or Edit long node: nothing happens.
I can select a short node and left click and select Edit long node: then an edit window pops up.
If I expand the maximum node size in the Freemind Preferences / Properties, so a long node of 2 lines becomes a node of a single line editing of such a node becomes possible again.


Commit: [a1cfa8]


  • Christian Foltin

    Hi, any log or console messages that could shed some light? BR, Chris

  • wes101

    wes101 - 2023-05-11

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your response. I tried to edit a long node in a test file and then I found these messages at the end of ~/.freemind/log.0 (the last five lines kept repeating a large number of times). Can this be of some help?

    STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
    STDERR: java.lang.StackOverflowError

    STDERR: at java.base/java.util.WeakHashMap.get(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getMostRecentFocusOwner(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.isRequestFocusAccepted(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.requestFocusHelper(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.requestFocusHelper(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.requestFocus(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.requestFocus(

    STDERR: at freemind.view.mindmapview.EditNodeDialog$

    STDERR: at java.desktop/

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.setVisible(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Window.setVisible(

    STDERR: at java.desktop/java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(

    STDERR: at freemind.view.mindmapview.EditNodeDialog$

  • Christian Foltin

    Hmm, you need to look at more messages as there is an infinite loop filling up the stack.
    HTH, Chris

  • wes101

    wes101 - 2023-05-13

    I am not sure what other messages I should try to find. However, I found that I can edit long nodes if before I press F2 I press alt-R (Use Rich Formatting).

    In the attached mindmap there are two long nodes. The one containing "test test ..." can be edited (without pressing alt-R), while the other node cannot. The way the nodes are stored in the file is clearly different.

    Anyway, the use of alt-R seems a simple work-around (if indeed it should be called a work-around and not simply normal behaviour)

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2023-06-11
    • summary: Cannot edit long nodes using version 1.1.0Beta2 adapted code to run with java17 --> Cannot edit long nodes using FM 1.1.0 Beta2 adapted code to run with Java 17 (Xubuntu, OpenJDK)
  • Andrei Korshikov

    This problem is not related to Java 17 and commit a1cfa85e.

    The latest good commit is cc87d4a4.

    The next two commits — bb964c15 and 832707b2 — can't be compiled:

    /home/korshikov/stuff/Projects/aur-freemind-git/src/code/freemind/build.xml:50: taskdef class org.jibx.binding.ant.CompileTask cannot be found
    using the classloader AntClassLoader[]

    I'm not a Java man, sorry if these two could easily be fixed and tested.

    And, finally, 095dc4e6 is compiled successfully and the bug in question (stack overflow error on long node editing) is present.

    The errors are the very same, so

    I am not sure what other messages I should try to find


    % /usr/share/freemind/
    Checking Java Version...
    Checking Java Version done.
    STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
    STDERR: java.lang.StackOverflowError
    STDERR: at java.util.WeakHashMap.hash(
    STDERR: at java.util.WeakHashMap.get(
    STDERR: at java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getMostRecentFocusOwner(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.isRequestFocusAccepted(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.requestFocusHelper(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.requestFocusHelper(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.requestFocus(
    STDERR: at javax.swing.JComponent.requestFocus(
    STDERR: at freemind.view.mindmapview.EditNodeDialog$
    STDERR: at
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
    STDERR: at freemind.view.mindmapview.EditNodeDialog$
    STDERR: at
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
    STDERR: at freemind.view.mindmapview.EditNodeDialog$
    STDERR: at
    STDERR: at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
    STDERR: at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
    …and so on.

    I compile and run FreeMind with Java 8 on Arch Linux (kernel 6.7.8).

    (Offtopic) Thank you for the music:D I've been using FreeMind for over 15 years or so, and I'm very, very satisfied.


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