
FreeMercator, Java POS Point of Sale / News: Recent posts

New Administration

As of today, the Mercator - Java POS and backoffice application is under new management. We intend on turning this application into an enterprise quality system capable of handling the smallest but also the biggest enterprises. This POS will become part of a larger offering that will be announced at a later date.

If you wish to become a contributor to the Mercator POS, send me an email and we can discuss it.... read more

Posted by Paul Fortin 2009-01-07

Coming back

This project will be revived in November and hopefully we can get something rolling and a good distribution sometime in December.

Stay tuned....

Posted by Casey Haakenson 2006-10-03

First Release!!

Released 0.4.0. It contains a heavily modified branch of the Mercator project. Download the file and read the README's for more details.

Posted by Casey Haakenson 2003-02-27