
#236 glutPositionWindow and glutReshapeWindow not working in Glut Subwindows (Linux version only)

Sijo Mathew

glutPositionWindow() and glutReshapeWindow() window is not working on ubuntu 16. (x86_64 and aarch64). The same code is working properly in windows (Windows 7 64 bit in VS2013).
The bug is glutReshapeWindow() and glutPositionWindow() is working only for the last subwindow. Sometimes the it works for all subwindows also.

The sample code for regenerating this bug is


  • John Tsiombikas

    John Tsiombikas - 2017-01-24

    That site doesn't seem to allow downloading the source code without an account. Please attach the code needed to reproduce the bug here.

    • Sijo Mathew

      Sijo Mathew - 2017-01-25


      Kinldy check the attached sourecode for reproducing the bug.
      I have downladed and do some minor modifications. Please check.

  • John Tsiombikas

    John Tsiombikas - 2017-01-25

    You should try to explain the bug more clearly. I ran the code you attached and I see subwindows getting resized and moved as I resize the main window.

    Also 1000 lines of dead code is not a proper minimal program to illustrate a simple bug. If what you're trying to demonstrate is subwindows not getting resized when you call glutReshapeWindow, then make a simple program which creates two subwindows, and at the hit of a button makes them half the size. That should be about 20 lines of code, not a thousand.

  • John Tsiombikas

    John Tsiombikas - 2017-01-29
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
    • Group: -->
  • John Tsiombikas

    John Tsiombikas - 2017-01-29

    Since I don't see any further clarification of the issue, and I failed to reproduce what I understood as the reported problem with the supplied code, I'm closing this bug. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a minimal test program which demonstrates the problem, and explain exactly what the issue is.


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