
Freedroid RPG 0.9-preview released

Hi guys!

I've added a preview archive for the freedroid rpg. The single player mode now contains a character and item system similar to that of Diablo I, one of my all-time favorites. Also the map and story were somewhat adapted in the same manner. Some new NPC and shop have been added as well. We could still need a lot of help with all the items, item effects, prices and all that for a well-balanced game. The multiplayer/network mode is not finished, but could be done within a week I guess, once we are all back to coding again, which alas, might not be this month I fear. But that's why we've uploaded the current development status as a preview archive. Have fun and don't hesitate to squish any bugs or submit any code :) See ya, jp.

Posted by Johannes Prix 2002-09-05

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