
FreeAnalysis / News: Recent posts

XML Designer

Lyon, 25th july

We have released a first version of XML Designer, our new package that allows to browse and manipulate XML documents and generate Xquery requests.

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-07-25

FreeAnalysis Schema Designor

An update of the package is available, that contain calculated measure support, interface improvment and enhanced database support

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-07-18

FreeAnalysis 0.72 is available

Version java windows and linux are immediatly availabe, with many enhancement and bug fixed.

This package can also use .fasd project to manipulate olap datasource (using menu 'file + Open FASD Schema')

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-07-13

New Package : FreeAnalysis Schema Designor

FreeAnalysis Schema Designor is a full functional package to manage Mondrian Schema and produce either mondrian file or fasd projects.

.fasd projects can be opened using FreeAnalysis version 0.72 or later

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-07-12

FreeAnalysis 0.70 is available

Version 0.70 is now available for Window platform (Linux coming soon), with new features such as database connectivity support, datagrid manipulation and global interface enhancement (for user)

This new version stands as a real new important step in our objective to provide the comunity with a strong and reliable olap platform

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-07-03

New FoodMart database sample

New FoodMart Oracle database is available for immediate download in the "additional packages" folder, which gives user the opportunity to use Foodmart schema against an Oracle database, for better performance

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-06-28

FreeAnalysis 0.7x Series is coming soon !

The new Series - 0.7x branch - is just about to be publicly available, along with roadmap and new documentation. This 0.7x series will bring the platform to a new level in terms of quality and functions.

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-06-24

FreeAnalysis Java on Linux

Lyon - 21th June 2007

A first Linux-compliant package is available in the "FreeAnalysis java" sub-project. We welcome all your question and feedback for this first Linux version

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-06-21

FreeAnalysis Web with JDK

For those who experienced problem running FreeAnalysis Web, we just upload a version that contains the JDK 1.6

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-06-04

FreeAnalysis Web

05/31/07 - FreeAnalysis Web Technology Preview is available for immediate download

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-05-31

Properties support

FreeAnalysis supports properties for dimension items. This feature is available in FreeAnalysis java, FreeAnalysis API and FreeAnalysis Web

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-04-30

Inline table support

Support for Mondrian Schema "Inline table" definition. This was the last unsupported Mondrian feature, now available for immediate usage.

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-04-23

Video Preview for Web Package

A video is available that demonstrate future capabilities of FreeAnalysis Web Package

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-04-12

Drill Through Support

FreeAnalysis now includes a "drill through" tabulation, available from a double-click on a measure, that allow users to access to the fact table details

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-04-12

Dimension Viewer

New tabulation available : dimension viewer allow user to have a global view of the member of each dimension

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-04-04

Multiple Filters Support

FreeAnalysis is now abble to manage Multiples filters on different dimensions

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-03-27

Closure Table support

1 to Many Parent/Child relation is now supported, using Mondrian closure tables

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-03-19

XML/A Support

Experimental Support of XML/A connection

Posted by pbeaucamp 2007-03-14

Multi Cube support

FreeAnalysis is now abble to open many cube on the data grid

Posted by pbeaucamp 2006-12-15