
Alpha3: Postgres support + usable HUD

A new release of fpdb has been uploaded to sourceforge. I think this is the first release that provides a usable HUD.

Make sure you get the alpha3 version, it might take a little while for the sourceforge mirrors to update. You can always get the up-to-the-minute files in the git tree.

What is in this release:

1. PostgreSQL support in both database and HUD. (MySQL still works.)
2. HUD supports Windows and Linux for all PokerStars cash games.


The installation instructions for Windows are on the sourceforge documentation page. If you are not comfortable doing all that installation, you should wait and there will be better windows installation options very soon.

You need to install 2 additional libraries not yet mentioned in the instructions:
psycopg2 -- get the one for your version of python, probably 2.5
win32gui (needed for Windows only)
On Windows, you need to add python to your path. On my box the python dir is C:\python25.


I assume that the people requesting postgres already have it installed and know how to get started with it, so I have not written any instructions on how to install/setup postgres. Before using fpdb with postgres you need to create an empty database. The easiest way to do that is to

1. open pgAdmin
2. double-click on your server
3. right-click on Databases and select new database
4. the database name and user must be the same as in your config files


HUD How To is here. Right clicking on the HUD table window will allow you to save your HUD layout without having to edit the xml file--and yeah, I'll add that to the How To.

Known Problems:

1. No Full Tilt support in HUD
2. No river stats for stud games
3. hole/board cards are not correctly stored in the db for stud games
4. HORSE (and presumably other mixed games) hand history files not handled correctly
5. HUD stat windows are too big on Windows
6. HUD task bar entries on Windows won't go away
7. Some MTTs won't import (rebuys??)
8. Many STTs won't import
9. MTT/STT not tested in HUD
10. HUD stats not aggregated
11. Player names with non-Latin chars throw warnings in HUD
12. HUD doesn't start when fpdb is started from the Windows "Start Menu"
13. Exiting HUD on Windows doesn't properly clean up stat windows
14. No support for SQLite--this won't happen, parameter quoting is not compatible

Posted by Poker_ray 2008-09-16

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