
Installation failed

Raul Pinto
  • Raul Pinto

    Raul Pinto - 2008-09-27

    Hi everyone

    I just downloaded alpha5 and the environment installer. After executing the installer I unpacked the alpha5-zip into a new directory.
    A double-click to the pyfpdb\ file lead to nothing. Checking the c:\python25 directory showed there's only a 0 byte file (pygtk-codegen-2.0).

    What's wrong? Any idea how to fix that?


    • Poker_ray

      Poker_ray - 2008-09-27

      Did you reboot after the install?  It doesn't work if you don't.  (That doesn't sound like your problem, but I am asking everytime.)

      I am not the developer of the environment installer and don't know much about windows, so I might not be much help.  This appears to be a pretty spectacular failure.  Here are a couple of things to look at:

      1) Are you using Vista?  If so, my suggestions are probably worthless.

      2)  Did mysql install ok?  Find the mysql item in the Start button and select "mysql client" (or something like that).  If you don't see those things then mysql didn't make it.  If it did, you should be able to log in with the password you gave it early in the install process.  After you log on you can give it the "show databases;" command and see something like this:

      | Database           |
      | information_schema |
      | PTrackSv2          |
      | fpdb               |
      | mythconverg        |
      | test               |
      | tester             |
      (you probably have fewer databases, you just need one named fpdb.)
      entering exit and enter will exit the mysql client.

      3)  Check to see if python is already installed by opening a command line and entering python and enter.  You should get something like this:

      $ python
      Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jun 15 2008, 18:24:51)
      [GCC 4.3.0 20080428 (Red Hat 4.3.0-8)] on linux2
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

      control-Z and enter gets you out of that.

      If you have mysql installed but not python, you could install python manually (see here:\) and then rerun the installer.  Alternatively you could follow the manual instructions here: starting with step 21 which installs python.

      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-09-29


        Sorry for the late reply, I didn't monitor this forum. Now I have :)

        I'm using WinXP SP2. I already had an XAMPP installed perhaps that crashed the whole thing (though MySQL is not running as daemon). I don't have a "MySQL"-Item in the start button and python obviously didn't didn't install. As I said, the c:\Python25\bin directory is empty. Typing "python" at a command prompt leads to "not found" (more or less).

        I once tried to install Python myself and didn't get the pyGTK thing to work.

        Thank you for your help, mate, but I'd rather wait for that Installer-guy to answer helping him improve his work :)


    • Michael

      Michael - 2008-09-30


      I am responsible for the Windows installer.

      Please describe what happened during the installation of the fpdb environment.

      The installer is still a 'baby' and there are several things that can cause trouble.
      However the Python interpreter for example should have installed correctly.

      You mention that you don't the a MySQL item in your start menu.
      This is because right now the installer doesn't create one.
      If MySQL is registered as a service (or as you say daemon) then mysqld.exe should appear as one of the running processes.

      Have you tried to simply use the installer again?


      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-09-30

        Hi gmic

        Thank you for your quick reply!
        Now, I didn't have a mysql precess in my taskmanager (neither application nor process).

        During the installation the installer said I may not touch anything and should close all running applications. I closed all and ran it again. Then it asked for usernames and passwords. Then it said, something like installing this and that and creating database and so on...
        After some while I was asked to wether restart now or later. I restarted by clicking "Yes".
        So, that's it.

        I guess the problem is, that I already have some of those things it wants to install but in different directories.

        How about some logging data to a file I could send to you or post here? It would also be great if one could choose whether to install a feature or not. Or also where to install the different packages...


        • Michael

          Michael - 2008-10-01


          I find it odd that python wasn't installed in C:\Python25 because the installer just runs the python msi file in quiet mode.
          I know about possible problems with the installation of MySQL. The installer does this by copying the mysql files to the location C:\program file\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0. Then the installer tries to register the MySQL process, run some commands which set up the database and create the user fpdb.
          The installer is created with an application called AutoIt and there are known problems with writing to and reading from the command line.
          Furthermore the check for installed MySQL is only a simple check for the file C:\program files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql.exe.
          I need to find out which exact registry keys siginfy if and where mysql and python are installed. This way I will be able to create a more reliable detection for software which is already installed.
          Creating an installation log definitaly sounds like a sensible idea and let's say this is on my todo list. Same for choice if certain apps should be installed.
          Unfortunately I am not able to devote as much time to fpdb as I originally planned and wanted to.
          Still I am working on improving the installer and hope to release an improved version soon.

          In the meantime it would be helpful if you tell me which applications (mysql and/or python) you have already installed and in which directories.

          This is an open source project, developers devote their free time. Resources can't be compared to a professional project.
          But with guys like you, showing insterest and patience, the project has the fuel to continue.
          Continue with input, we'll give you output.


          • Raul Pinto

            Raul Pinto - 2008-10-02

            Hi Michael

            I wrote about two pages about what I got, pressed the send button and it said "you could post if you were logged in". F***!

            Ok, now a short version:
            I have a c:\Python25\ with no files but some directories. One of them \bin only has one file "pygtk-codegen-2.0" which last line says 'exec c:\Python25\python.exe $codegendir/ "$@"' but c:\Python25\python.exe doesn't exist.
            I have a c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0 directory which looks like a successful installation but there's no service running.

            I have installed a python for my local trac into d:\Raul\programme\python and a full XAMPP (which includes MySQL). Unfortunately I guess the XAMPP doesn't create and registry keys when using the .zip distribution which makes it more important to let the user choose whether to install a certain part or not.

            Well, thank you for supporting this project and making this installer. I think it's one of the most important parts to make this project used by a wide range of users!


    • Michael

      Michael - 2008-10-04


      finding out how to fix the installer for your case will take time.
      In the meantime I'll try to guide you through the steps to get fpdb operational for you.

      1. Download Python ( and install it (leave default settings).
      2. Open command line (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe OK)
      3. Type the following & hit ENTER: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld" --install
      4. Restart PC and check Task Manger if mysqld.exe is running
      5. Go to My Computer > Tools menu > Folder Options > View tab: select Show Hidden Files and Folders
      5. Check if file default.conf is in C:\Documents and Settings\{yourUserName}\Application Data
      6. Try to start fpdb. If it fails, please post the error message.

      We'll get there.


      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-10-05


        After Step 3 I restarted. But (of course) the service wasn't running. I tried "net start mysql" but it stated:

        The MySQL service is starting.
        The MySQL service could not be started.

        A system error has occurred.

        System error 1067 has occurred.

        The process terminated unexpectedly.

        Any hints?

      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-10-06

        Hi Michael

        Ok, I think I don't care about the MySQL anymore (thank you Steffen anyway), I'll just take the one which was delivered with XAMPP (Version 5.0.51b). This should make it, shouldn't it?

        Ok, then I tried to start fpdb:

        Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct  2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
        Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
        >>> exit
        Use exit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
        >>> ^Z

        D:\Raul\programme\fpdb-1.0_alpha5_p110\pyfpdb>python fpdb
        python: can't open file 'fpdb': [Errno 2] No such file or directory



        ... but nothing happened :(
        Any hints?


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          should be:


          I think

          • Raul Pinto

            Raul Pinto - 2008-10-06

            As you can see in my "log", that's what I entered...

    • Steffen

      Steffen - 2008-10-06

      Had a scroogle, turned this up:,11388,15452#msg-15452
      Have you installed MySQL into a folder with a space or dot in it, or is MySQL's data dir such a folder?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Check fpdb-error.log (note: I'm renaming this to fpdb-error-log.txt in the next git)

      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-10-07

        Ok, here's what it says:

        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "", line 24, in <module>
            import pygtk
        ImportError: No module named pygtk

    • Steffen

      Steffen - 2008-10-07

      Then you need to install pygtk

      • Raul Pinto

        Raul Pinto - 2008-10-08

        Ok, you know, I already tried that and it didn't work out. This happened to be just the reason why I tried the installer! So please, make the installer do the right thing...

    • Steffen

      Steffen - 2008-10-09

      Unfortunately Michael won't be able to help for the foreseeable future, but the installer sources are now in git (packaging/windows/fpdbEnvInstaller2.au3) if you want to give it a shot.


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