

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    After the coding is all said and done, what do you think the likeliness would be of having the code ported over to the Pandora, a linux based homebrew device?

    • JohnnyDude

      JohnnyDude - 2009-03-10

      I'm afraid I don't know much about this platform, and I couldn't find the information I'd need to answer your question with certainty. If pandora supports apps written using the wxWidgets toolkit, it should work with little effort. I chose wxWidgets so I can release for windows, linux, and mac. I've also been coding to avoid any platform-specific functionality...

      If it's not supported easily, it would require someone to write a port of the UI. But on the plus side, very little functionality of the emulator actually relies on the UI (like the menus!), so in theory that wouldn't be so bad.


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