
Looking for Java software developers to work on an Electronic Health Record Project

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  • singhj

    singhj - 2013-11-03

    Great learning opportunity work with cutting edge technologies - JSF , Hibernate, Seam, Maven, JBPM.

    • Swaroop

      Swaroop - 2013-11-05

      I'm interested. I will follow your instructions and try to get started tonight. About myself, I've got 20+ years of experience scattered across C/C++, Java, Oracle, MySQL and a myriad of other technologies.


      SHADEVEN - 2013-12-21

      I am interested in your project and willing to contribute. I have 6+ years java development experience including JEE6, PrimeFaces, JPA2, JAX-RS, Maven etc. Please contact me if you still need helpers.

    • amy

      amy - 2014-01-02

      still looking for java dev? I would like to join your team.

      happy new year

    • Manjulatha Nanduru

      I am very interested in your project. Please let me know how to proceed. I want to develop in Java

  • SusanL

    SusanL - 2013-11-04

    Can you tell me a little more about this? I am a c++ coder w/ 20 yrs industry experience who just learned java and want to try an open source project to get a some good practice (even though the concepts are all the same). Is this project using core java? What is JSF, JBPM, etc.?

  • Michael

    Michael - 2013-11-04


    I'm a junior Java developer. Have some experience in JSF, JPA, Maven, Java Beans.

    Would love to join your project.


  • singhj

    singhj - 2013-11-05

    Hi Michael and Susan thanks for your interest

    Susan JSF is a view technology which is part of JEE stack. JBPM is an open source project for implementing business processes , you don't need to know either to work on the project.
    There is plenty of backend work that you can start off with.

    You guys can check out the project from

    Create a database called cerebrumdb in mysql and specify your mysql username / password in persistence.xml file.

    Then run mvn jetty:run from command prompt and let me know how it goes

    you can write to me at singhjess at gmail dot com if you have any questions

  • Swaroop

    Swaroop - 2013-11-06

    singhj, yesterday, I tried following your instructions and although the build was successful, I see an error when I run mvn jetty:run. The exception I see says "[ERROR] Failed startup of context org.mortbay.jetty.plugin.Jetty6PluginWebAppContext@72ffb35e{/cerebrum,/Users/swarooprao/Documents/workspace/cerebrum/src/main/webapp}
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component: org.jboss.seam.core.init" and just below that it says "Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name "LColumn;" in class com/oreon/cerebrum/facility/Bed". I tried searching the code for occurrences of LColumn but could not find any, so I'm not sure why I'm seeing this runtime error.

  • Javier

    Javier - 2013-11-06

    Hi Singhj,

    I am interested in participating. Can you tell me more about the project? What is it's porpouse? I am a Senior Java Developer with more than 8 years of experience in many different technologies.

  • singhj

    singhj - 2013-11-08

    Hi Javier thanks for your interest the project is about providing standard EMR services and also cutting edge features like differential diagnosis, drug interaction, ICD10 code integrationetc

    We are also working on ADT - admission, discharge & Transfer.

    The project has been generated from a UML model using Witchcraftmda.

    Swaroop can you check out the project again ? Let me know if the error still persists

  • Alex Wu

    Alex Wu - 2013-12-16

    Hi Singhj,

    I am interested in your project and am willing to help. I am still an university student and learning JEE technologies, including Spring, Hibernate and Struts. Can I know that if you use any framework in your project?

    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07

      Hi Alex we use Seam , JSF 2 and drools. You are welcome to join - check out the getting started instructions here

  • Ruairi McGuigan

    Ruairi McGuigan - 2013-12-16

    Hi Singhj

    I'm a junior Java developer and would like to join your project. Have you a wiki or details page for more details? Thanks



    Last edit: Ruairi McGuigan 2013-12-16
    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07
  • Carl

    Carl - 2013-12-16

    I'm a senior level Java Developer, software architect, and database designer. I also have extensive healthcare experience in design and development of EMRs, CPOE, Formulary, and a myriad of other HIS buzz words. Can you provide me with more information on your project, such as target hospital size, US or worldwide institutions, etc.?

    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07

      Hi Carl you surely would be an asset to team - target hospitals are small - mid sized institutions in South Asia , we want to have a really solid differential diagnosis tool in release 1.

      There is a business model which I can discuss after you setup the project. Will post detailed design doc shortly

  • Murty Kirlampalli

    Please include me. I have 12+ years of experience in Java technologies. Can you please provide more information on this?

    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07

      Hi murty check out

      and post your questions there

  • Waqas Ahmed

    Waqas Ahmed - 2013-12-17

    Hi singhj,

    I'm interested to work in your project mainly because of my interest in learning JSF. Can you please include me in your project and provide more details on it.
    I'm a Java Developer and have almost 3 years work experience. I've been working on the Java base technologies like JPA, Hibernate, Spring, JSR Bean Validation API, JAX-WS from the start of my career.

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07

      hi Waquas thanks for ur interest -

  • M Krishnan

    M Krishnan - 2013-12-19

    I am interested in your cerebrum project. I have biomedical background but am working in Java, C++, Oracle, Unix in the banking sector for the last 10 yrs. Let me know if I can help.


    • singhj

      singhj - 2014-01-07

      hi Krishnan
      Check out the instructions at

  • Li Ke

    Li Ke - 2013-12-23

    Hi singhj,

    I am very interested in your project. I'm experienced in Java, c++, and I used jBPM in my recent projects. I hope I can do something in your project.

  • singhj

    singhj - 2014-01-07

    Hi Li check out and setup the project

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