Project Homepage:

Whonix is an anonymous OS built around (though not limited) to Tor. Featuring a split VM architecture to limit the damage an adversary with root can inflict and to make clearnet leaks impossible.

Any of the following skills can help!

  • bash
  • python
  • Debian packaging
  • Linux sysadmin
  • web development
  • documentation
  • user support
  • outreach

Project goals:
Becoming a mature Linux distribution. Improving all its aspects.

Your code will help protect journalists, activists, whistle-blowers and countless others living behind dystopian censorship curtains around the world. If you're interested in long term involvement in Whonix, please sign up for Whonix forum and say hello!

You can check a list of open tasks for our next release:

For any questions in advance, you can also send a private mail:


Last edit: Patrick Schleizer 2016-12-25