
C/C++/C#/Python/PHP Developer, Searching For Projects to Contribute

  • Aritra Chakraborty

    I am a Engineering Student of 3rd year,in Computer Science and Engineering. I would very much like contribute to any kind of project. Even if the project is not of these above language I will try my best to learn the language and contribute as much as possible.

    I am familiar with C, C++, C#, Python, PHP, CSS & HTML5 and Have a working knowledge on Assembly, Java, VB and SQL.


    Last edit: Aritra Chakraborty 2014-06-15
    • MBach

      MBach - 2014-07-24

      Hi Aritra Chakraborty,
      I am looking for people to help me to write my Audio Player:

      I have plenty of tasks to do. Writing new functionnalities, be a beta-tester, translate the app into your language, write documentation, wiki, website, plugins :)

      The list is endless!

      Right now, I am focusing on developping a background process which scans the hard-drive at specific locations. The idea is to keep the library up-to-date when one has added / removed some audio files between 2 launches ; instead of doing a full scan (I mean, 2 minutes scan is too long, a few seconds should be great).

  • Alexander Farley


    I'm looking for people to help with This uses a combination of Ruby on Rails and C#. There's lots to do; plenty of detailed math, but also lots of run-of-the-mill coding.

    It's not open-source; basically, I'm looking for colleagues to help work on a product for future sale. Thanks let me know if you're interested,



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