
Seeking project to increase my exposure to development teams.

  • Jonathan Gros

    Jonathan Gros - 2013-01-29

    Languages: Java, C#.

    Looking to gain more experience in these languages.

    Most interested in desktop applications. Will be starting my own project to create a D&D character sheet with hyperlinks to relevant skills/powers in the SRD.

  • Boy In Green

    Boy In Green - 2013-04-30

    Hi Marius,
    How about the Global Soccer Simulator project? It's in the Java language and it is very much a desktop application.
    As for GSS, the project is in alpha, however it is downloadable and functional. Its primary purpose is to simulate football seasons for many countries and division (20 nations at the moment and counting...). In the long run, I hope to morph the project into an open-source football manager.
    So how about it? If you would like to get involved in GSS, all you have to do is reply to this post.
    Sourceforge page:
    Forum (I would strongly advise you to become a member should you join up since there is a lot of additional information about the project there.):


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